Glossary Item Box
The family history screen lists the family history records of the patient.
Family history works in a similar way to medical history.
If the patient is adopted, then this information will be displayed on top.
Adding / Updating Family History
Right click on the grid and from the context menu click on add.
A new form will be displayed to you where you can add a new record.
The existing family history conditions will be displayed to you on the right hand side. You can modify previous conditions from this screen. When you click on any previous condition, the details will get populated. If you want to add a new record instead, click on the clear button first.
If you double click on any record from the clinical profile screen of the family history or select edit/view from the context menu, then you will be able to update only that particular family history record. Previous conditions will not be shown on the right hand side.
Deleting Family History
You can delete a family history record if you are authorized to do so. Right click on the record and select delete. The software will ask for confirmation before deleting the record.
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