t:TRANSITIONFILTER Element | transitionFilter Object
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Animates the progress of a transition on an element or elements with renderable content.
Members Table
The following table lists the members exposed by the transitionFilter object. Click a tab on the left to choose the type of member you want to view.
Attribute Property Description ACCELERATE accelerate Sets or retrieves a value that applies an acceleration to an element's timeline. ACCUMULATE accumulate Sets or retrieves a value that indicates whether the animation is cumulative. ADDITIVE additive Sets or retrieves a value that indicates whether the animation is additive with other animations. AUTOREVERSE autoReverse Sets or retrieves whether the timeline on an element begins playing in reverse immediately after completing in the forward direction. BEGIN begin Sets or retrieves the delay time before the timeline begins playing on the element. BY by Specifies a relative offset value for the progress of the transitionFilter. CALCMODE calcMode Sets or retrieves the interpolation mode for the progress of the transitionFilter. DECELERATE decelerate Sets or retrieves a value that applies a deceleration to the end of a simple duration. DUR dur Sets or retrieves a value indicating the amount of time a transition is applied to an element. END end Sets or retrieves a value indicating the end time for the element, or the end of the simple duration when the element is set to repeat. FROM from Sets or retrieves a progress value indicating the point from which to begin the transition. KEYSPLINES keySplines Sets or retrieves a set of Bezier control points that define the interval pacing of an animation. KEYTIMES keyTimes Sets or retrieves a list of time values used to control the pacing of an animation. MODE mode Sets or retrieves a variable that indicates whether an element transitions in or out. REPEATCOUNT repeatCount Sets or retrieves the number of times an element's timeline repeats. REPEATDUR repeatDur Sets or retrieves the number of seconds that an element's timeline repeats. RESTART restart Sets or retrieves the conditions under which an element can be restarted on a timeline. SPEED speed Sets or retrieves the playback speed of an element relative to its parent time container. SUBTYPE subtype Sets or retrieves the name of the subtype that will be applied to the transition. TARGETELEMENT targetElement Sets or retrieves the target element to be animated. TO to Sets or retrieves a value that indicates the point in the transition's progress at which the transition ends. TYPE type Sets or retrieves the type of transition to be applied. VALUES values Sets or retrieves a semicolon-separated list of one or more values specifying the progress of the transition. Events
Event Description onbegin Fires when the timeline starts on an element. onend Fires when the timeline stops on an element. onpause Fires when the timeline on an element pauses. onrepeat Fires when the timeline repeats on an element, beginning with the second iteration. onresume Fires when an element's timeline resumes from a paused state. onreverse Fires when the timeline on an element begins to play backward. onseek Fires whenever a seek operation is performed on the element. Methods
Method Description activeTimeToParentTime Converts a value in the element's active timeline to the corresponding point in the parent timeline. activeTimeToSegmentTime Converts a value in the element's active timeline to the corresponding point in the segment timeline. beginElement Starts the element on the timeline. beginElementAt Starts an element's timeline at the specified time. documentTimeToParentTime Converts a value in the document timeline to the corresponding point in the element's parent timeline. endElement Stops the element on the timeline. endElementAt Ends an element's timeline at the specified time. parentTimeToActiveTime Converts a value in the parent timeline to the corresponding point in the element's active timeline. parentTimeToDocumentTime Converts a value in the element's parent timeline to the corresponding point in the document timeline. pauseElement Stops playing an element's timeline at the current point. resumeElement Restarts the element's timeline from a paused state. seekActiveTime Locates a specified point on the element's active timeline and begins playing from that point. seekSegmentTime Locates the specified point on the element's segment timeline, and begins playing from that point. seekTo Locates a specified point on the element's segment timeline, including repetitions, and begins playing from that point. segmentTimeToActiveTime Converts a value in the element's segment timeline to the corresponding point in the element's active timeline. segmentTimeToSimpleTime Converts a value in the element's segment timeline to the corresponding point in the element's simple timeline. simpleTimeToSegmentTime Converts a value in the element's simple timeline to the corresponding point in the element's segment timeline. Objects
Object Description currTimeState Contains information about an HTML+TIME timeline.
The prefix t: is used to associate this element with an XML namespace. You must declare the XML namespace in the html tag of your document when using this element.
<HTML XMLNS:t ="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:time">You must then import the tag definitions from the time2 behavior by using the IMPORT processing instruction.
<?IMPORT namespace="t" implementation="#default#time2">The members listed in the following table might not be accessible through scripting until the window.onload event fires. Waiting for this event to fire ensures that the page is completely loaded, that all behaviors have been applied to corresponding elements on the page, and that all the behavior's properties, methods, and events are available for scripting. Using any of the behavior-defined members before the window.onload event fires could result in a scripting error, indicating that the object does not support that particular member.
This element is not rendered.
This element requires a closing tag.
This example demonstrates the effects of changing various attributes of the transitionFilter.
This feature requires Microsoft?Internet Explorer 6 or later. Click the following icon to install the latest version. Then reload this page to view the sample.This example shows how to use the transitionFilter to transition an element in and out of view.
<HTML XMLNS:t = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:time"> <HEAD> <STYLE> .time {behavior: url(#default#time2);} </STYLE> <?import namespace = t urn = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:time" implementation = "#default#time2" /> </HEAD> <BODY> <DIV STYLE="width:270" CLASS="time" DUR="8" ID="oDiv"> <t:TRANSITIONFILTER BEGIN="oDiv.begin" DUR="3" TYPE="clockWipe"/> <t:TRANSITIONFILTER BEGIN="oDiv.end-3" DUR="3" MODE="out" TYPE="fade"/> This DIV Transitions In, Stays For Two Seconds, And Then Transitions Out. </DIV> </BODY> </HTML>
See Also
Introduction to HTML+TIME, Using HTML+TIME Transitions, time2