Abstract Property
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Retrieves the Abstract content of the entry banner in an Advanced Stream Redirector (ASX) file using the event object.
[ sAbstract = ] event.Abstract
Possible Values
sAbstract String that receives the Abstract content of an entry banner in an ASX file. The property is read-only. The property has no default value.
Expressions can be used in place of the preceding value(s), as of Microsoft?Internet Explorer 5. For more information, see About Dynamic Properties.
This is an example entry in an ASX file.
<ASX Version="1.0" PreviewMode="No" > <entry> <title>First title</title> <author>Unknown 1</author> <copyright>1998</copyright> <abstract>WAV File</abstract> <ref href=""/> <banner href = "first_title.gif" > <moreinfo href = "first_title.doc" /> <abstract>Visit the first abstract Web site</abstract> </banner> </entry> </asx>In the following example, the Abstract property is exposed by the event object.
... function trackChange(){ banner1.innerText = event.Banner; bannerabstract1.innerText = event.Abstract; bannermoreinfo1.innerText = event.MoreInfo; } ... <t:media id="m1" src="../../common/samples/author/behaviors/media/media.asx" onmediacomplete="updateBtns();updateFields();" ontrackchange="trackChange();"/> ... <B>Banner:</B> <SPAN id="banner1"></SPAN> <BR> <B>Abstract for banner:</B> <SPAN id="bannerabstract1"></SPAN> <BR> <B>More information of banner:</B> <SPAN id="bannermoreinfo1"></SPAN> ...
Applies To