doImport Method | Internet Development Index |
Dynamically imports an element behavior.
sUrl Required. String that specifies the URL of the element behavior to import into the namespace.
Return Value
No return value.
Once imported into a namespace by this method, an element behavior can be used on the page where the namespace has been declared.
Using this method alone is not enough to enable a element behavior to function on a Web page; it is also necessary to add a custom element to the body of the primary document, as illustrated in the following code snippet.
<body> <myns:mycustomtag/> </body>The preceding sample shows how a custom element makes use of a custom namespace, which is declared on the XMLNS attribute of the HTML tag.
A script or binary behavior can also be used to insert a custom element. See the examples that follow for an illustration of this technique.
The following example declares a namespace called "TESTNS" and imports the default Microsoft® Internet Explorer behaviors into it.
<HTML XMLNS:TESTNS> <HEAD> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JScript"> document.namespaces("TESTNS").doImport("#default"); </SCRIPT> </HEAD>The following example shows how the doImport method can be used in conjunction with the createElement to insert a custom element to which an element behavior is attached.
<HTML xmlns:myns> <BODY onload=Load()> <SCRIPT> var ns; // holds the newly created namespace object function Load() { ns = document.namespaces[0]; ns.doImport(""); if(ns.readyState != "complete") { // Wait for the element behaviors to finish downloading ns.attachEvent("onreadystatechange", addTagnamesToBody); } else { addTagnamesToBody(); } return true; } function addTagnamesToBody() { if(ns.readyState != "complete") return; var v = document.createElement("myns:abc"); v.innerText = "ElementBehavior"; document.body.appendChild(v); ns.detachEvent("onreadystatechange", addTagnamesToBody); } </SCRIPT> </BODY></HTML>The following code shows the content of the HTML Component (HTC) file,, which simply applies a red background when the ondocumentready event fires.
<public:component tagName=abc > <public:attach event=ondocumentready onevent=Doc_Ready() /> </public:component> <script> function Doc_Ready() { element.document.bgColor = "red"; } </script>
Standards Information
There is no public standard that applies to this method.
Applies To
See Also
IMPORT, Introduction to Viewlink, About Element Behaviors