Path Attribute


Path Attribute

Internet Development Index

Specifies the line that makes up the edges of a shape. Read/write String.

Applies To


Tag Syntax

<v:element path="expression">

Script Syntax




If a shape contains the Path element, the path commands of the Path element take precedence over the shape attribute value. See the Path element topic for details on the command set used for paths.

VML Standard Attribute


A closed square path is defined in the string of the path attribute. An initial point is defined with m (used for the moveto command) at 1,1 and a line is drawn with l (the letter "L" used for the command lineto) from the starting position (1,1) to the other three points (in order): 1,200; 200,200; 200,1. The line is closed with x (close) and ended with e (end ). Note that coordinates are given in the relative coordinate space and that the real size is determined by the width and height.

   <v:shape id="rect01"
   fillcolor="red" strokecolor="red"
   coordorigin="0 0" coordsize="200 200"
   path="m 1,1 l 1,200, 200,200, 200,1 x e">

Path Attribute Example. (Requires Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 or greater.)