ALIGN Attribute | align Property | Internet Development Index |
Sets or retrieves the alignment of the caption or legend.
HTML <ELEMENT ALIGN = sAlign... > Scripting object.align [ = sAlign ]
Possible Values
sAlign String that specifies or receives one of the following values.
bottom Aligns bottom-center. center Aligns center. left Aligns left. right Aligns right. top Aligns top-center. The property is read/write. The property has no default value.
Expressions can be used in place of the preceding value(s), as of Microsoft® Internet Explorer 5. For more information, see About Dynamic Properties.
The legend tag is used only within a fieldSet tag. The contents of the legend tag are displayed by overwriting the information in the top border of the fieldSet.
The caption tag is used only within a table tag. Its contents are displayed centered above the table and do not interact with the table border.
Standards Information
This property is deprecated in HTML
and is defined in World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Document Object Model (DOM) Level 1
Applies To