Adj Attribute


Adj Attribute

Internet Development Index

Specifies an adjustment value used to define values for a formula. Read/write String.

Applies To


Tag Syntax

<v:element adj="expression">

Script Syntax




Adj is used to provide adjustable points for a formula. If used in tags, Adj is a comma-delimited string of up to 8 values. Some values may be omitted. For example, "0,1,2,,4,5,,7" would be a valid string but the fourth and seventh items would not have values (items are counted starting from 0).

For scripting, Adj uses the IVgAdjustments data type.

VML Standard Attribute

See Also



A simple square is created with adjustments. First the Adj string is created to define eight adjustment values. Then each adjustment value is referenced by one of the eight formulas, with each adjustment value preceeded by a number sign (# ) symbol. Finally a path is defined by a string that references the formulas, with each formula preceeded by the "at" sign (@) symbol.

   <v:shape id="rect01" type="#myshape"
   fillcolor="red" strokecolor="red"
   coordorigin="0 0" coordsize="200 200"
   adj="1, 1, 1, 200, 200, 200, 200, 1">
   <v:path v="m @0,@1 l @2,@3, @4,@5, @6,@7 x e"/>
   <v:f eqn="val #0"/>
   <v:f eqn="val #1"/>
   <v:f eqn="val #2"/>
   <v:f eqn="val #3"/>
   <v:f eqn="val #4"/>
   <v:f eqn="val #5"/>
   <v:f eqn="val #6"/>
   <v:f eqn="val #7"/>

Adj Attribute Example (Requires Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 or greater.)