CONTENT Attribute | content Property | Internet Development Index |
Sets or retrieves meta-information to associate with HTTP-EQUIV or NAME.
HTML <META CONTENT = vContent... > Scripting META.content [ = vContent ]
Possible Values
vContent String that specifies or receives one of the following values.
description Meta-information. refresh Integer consisting of the number of seconds to elapse before the document is refreshed. This value requires the HTTP-EQUIV attribute to be set with the refresh value. url Location that is loaded when the document is refreshed. This value requires the HTTP-EQUIV attribute to be set with the refresh value. mimetype MIME type used for the charset value. charset Character set of the document. This value requires the mimetype value to be set with a valid MIME type, and the HTTP-EQUIV attribute to be set with the refresh value. The property is read/write. The property has no default value.
Expressions can be used in place of the preceding value(s), as of Microsoft® Internet Explorer 5. For more information, see About Dynamic Properties.
This example causes the browser to reload the document every two seconds.
<META HTTP-EQUIV="REFRESH" CONTENT=2>This example sets the character set for the document.
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; CHARSET=Windows-1251">This example disables theming support for the document.
Standards Information
This property is defined in HTML 3.2
and is defined in World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Document Object Model (DOM) Level 1
Applies To