Stroke Element


Stroke Element

Internet Development Index

Defines a stroke for a shape.

The following attributes modify a stroke.

AltHRefSpecifies an alternate reference for a stroke.
ColorDefines the color of a stroke.
Color2Defines a second color for a stroke.
DashStyleSpecifies the dot and dash pattern for a stroke.
EndArrowDefines an arrowhead style for the end of a stroke.
EndArrowLengthDefines an arrowhead length for the end of a stroke.
EndArrowWidthDefines an arrowhead width for the end of a stroke.
EndCapDefines the cap style for the end of a stroke.
FillTypeDefines the type of fill used for the background of a stroke.
HRefDefines the URL to the original image for the stroke.
IDDefines a unique identifier for the stroke.
ImageAlignShapeDetermines the alignment of a stroke image.
ImageAspectDefines how the stroke image aspect ratio will be preserved.
ImageSizeDefines the size of the image for the stroke.
JoinStyleDefines the join style of a polyline.
LineStyleDefines the line style of a stroke.
MiterLimitDefines the smoothness of a miter joint.
OnDetermines whether the stroke will be displayed.
OpacityDefines the amount of transparency of a stroke.
SrcDefines the source image to load for a stroke fill.
StartArrowDefines the arrowhead for the start of a stroke.
StartArrowLengthDefines the arrowhead length for the start of a stroke.
StartArrowWidthDefines the arrowhead width for the start of a stroke.
TitleDefines the title of a stroke.
WeightDefines the thickness of a stroke.


This element must be defined within a Shape element.

The following code shows how the Stroke element can be used to modify a line.

   to="300pt,50pt" from="50pt,50pt">
   <v:stroke weight="50pt" color="red" linestyle="ThickThin"/>


Click here to view a thick-and-thin line stroke.

Click here to view a stroke generated with images.