SCHEME Attribute | scheme Property
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Sets or retrieves a scheme to be used in interpreting the value of a property specified for the object.
HTML <META SCHEME = sScheme... > Scripting META.scheme(v) [ = sScheme ]
Possible Values
sScheme String that specifies or receives a scheme to use when interpreting the value of an object's property. The property is read/write. The property has no default value.
Expressions can be used in place of the preceding value(s), as of Microsoft® Internet Explorer 5. For more information, see About Dynamic Properties.
The scheme property can provide a context to correctly interpret otherwise ambiguous data formats such as those for date and time. It can also be used to identify the object's content itself.
There is no functionality implemented for this property unless defined by the author.
In the following two examples, the value of scheme defines how to interpret the value of the "date" property.
//Here scheme="USA" implies "MM-DD-YYYY" <META scheme="USA" name="date" content="04-05-1962">//Here scheme="Europe" implies "DD-MM-YYYY" <META scheme="Europe" name="date" content="05-04-1962">The following example of the meta shows how the scheme can be used to clarify the value of the "id" property.
<META scheme="customer" name="id" content="Fancy Pants">
Standards Information
This property is defined in HTML 4.0
and is defined in World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Document Object Model (DOM) Level 1
Applies To