Size Attribute | Internet Development Index |
Defines the size of the image for the fill. Read/write VgVector2D.
Applies To
Tag Syntax
<v: element size="expression">
Script Syntax
The default is the size of the original image. Sizes that are larger than the shape will display a magnified but clipped version of the image.
VML Standard Attribute
Even though the original size of the image is 50-by-50 points, the image will be displayed as a 10-by-10 image in the center of the fill.
<v:shape id="rect01" coordorigin="0 0" coordsize="200 200" strokecolor="red" style="top:1;left:1;width:50;height:50" path="m 1,1 l 1,200, 200,200, 200,1 x e"> <v:fill src="myimage.gif" type="frame" size="10pt,10pt"/> </v:shape>