@media Rule | Internet Development Index |
Sets the media types for a set of rules in a styleSheet object.
HTML @media sMediaType { sRules } Scripting N/A
Possible Values
sMediaType String that specifies one of the following media types:
screen Output is intended for computer screens. Output is intended for printed material and for documents viewed in Print Preview mode. all Output is intended for all devices. sRules String that specifies one or more rules in a styleSheet object.
The rule has no default value.
Expressions can be used in place of the preceding value(s), as of Microsoft® Internet Explorer 5. For more information, see About Dynamic Properties.
In the following example, the @media rule is used to specify the font-size attribute of the body element for two media types.
// For computer screens, the font size is 12pt. @media screen { BODY {font-size:12pt;} } // When printed, the font size is 8pt. @media print { BODY {font-size:8pt;} }
Standards Information
This rule is defined in Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), Level 2 (CSS2)
See Also