t:CLOCKSOURCE Attribute | clockSource Property?deprecated) | Internet Development Index |
Sets or retrieves whether all the elements within the local time scope are synchronized with this element's timeline.
XML <ELEMENT t:CLOCKSOURCE = bSyncLocal... > Scripting object.clockSource [ = bSyncLocal ]
Possible Values
bSyncLocal Boolean that specifies one of the following values.
true Elements within the local time scope are synchronized with the timeline on this element. The local time scope is determined by the t:SYNCBEHAVIOR attribute on the parent element. false Default. Elements within the local time scope are not synchronized with the timeline on this element. The property is read/write. The property has a default value of false.
This property is deprecated. For similar functionality, refer to the syncMaster property available with the time2 behavior.
This property must be used with the t:SYNCBEHAVIOR attribute to ensure synchronization between a designated media object, such as a video file, and other timed elements in the document.
The t: prefix is used to associate this attribute with an XML namespace.
Standards Information
This property is defined in HTML+TIME (Timed Interactive Multimedia Extensions) 1.0
Applies To
See Also
Introduction to HTML+TIME, syncTolerance