progress Property | Internet Development Index |
Retrieves the current progress of the element's timeline.
[ fProgress = ] currTimeState.progress
Possible Values
fProgress Floating-point that receives the current progress along the element's timeline, as compared to the element's simpleDur property. Valid values for this property are in the range between 0.0 and 1.0. The property is read-only. The property has no default value.
The value of this property is continuously updated for the duration of the element's timeline. If the autoReverse property is set to true, then progress begins decrementing from 1 until it reaches 0, or the end of the timeline.
The following example shows how to display the progress of the timeline as a percentage.
<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>progress Property</TITLE> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JScript"> // Update the SPAN container with the progress value function update() { var pro = movie.currTimeState.progress; var sPro = pro.toString(); // convert to a string if (movie.currTimeState.stateString != "holding") { if (pro != 0) { if (sPro.substr(2,1) == "0") { sPro = sPro.substr(3,1); // single digit (1-9) } else { sPro = sPro.substr(2,2); // double digit (10-99) } } else { sPro = "0"; } } else { sPro = "100"; // Timestate is holding at the end } progressText.innerText = sPro + "%"; // Set the span } // Update each button based on the current timeline state function updateBtns() { switch (movie.currTimeState.stateString) { case "active": if (movie.currTimeState.isPaused == true) { playBtn.disabled = true; stopBtn.disabled = false; pauseBtn.disabled = true; resumeBtn.disabled = false; } else { playBtn.disabled = true; stopBtn.disabled = false; pauseBtn.disabled = false; resumeBtn.disabled = true; } break; case "inactive": playBtn.disabled = false; stopBtn.disabled = true; pauseBtn.disabled = true; resumeBtn.disabled = true; break; case "holding": playBtn.disabled = false; stopBtn.disabled = true; pauseBtn.disabled = true; resumeBtn.disabled = true; break; } } </SCRIPT> <SCRIPT FOR="document" EVENT="onclick" LANGUAGE="JScript"> updateBtns(); </SCRIPT> <STYLE> .time{ behavior: url(#default#time2);} BODY{font-size: 12pt;} </STYLE> <XML:NAMESPACE PREFIX="t"/> </HEAD> <BODY ID="docBody" TOPMARGIN=0 LEFTMARGIN=0 BGPROPERTIES="FIXED" BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" LINK="#000000" VLINK="#808080" ALINK="#000000" onload="update(); updateBtns();"> <BLOCKQUOTE CLASS="body"> <!-- Timer for refreshing the displayed progress --> <SPAN ID="timer" CLASS="time" BEGIN="movie.begin" DUR=".25" REPEATCOUNT="indefinite" onrepeat="update();" FILL="FREEZE"> </SPAN> <!-- Container to display current progress --> <SPAN STYLE="color:#FFFFFF; background-color:#000000; position:relative; top:70px; left:240px; padding:2;">Progress: <SPAN STYLE="font-family:courier; font-weight:bold; color:#FFFFFF;" ID="progressText">0%</SPAN> </SPAN> <TABLE CELLSPACING="5" STYLE="background-color:#EEEEEE;" ID="proSpan"> <TR> <TD STYLE="background-color:Silver; padding:5;"> <SPAN>Video Controls: <BUTTON ID="playBtn" onclick="movie.beginElement();">Play </BUTTON> <BUTTON ID="stopBtn" onclick="movie.endElement(); txSeq.endElement();">Stop</BUTTON> <BUTTON ID="pauseBtn" onclick="movie.pauseElement(); txSeq.pauseElement();">Pause</BUTTON> <BUTTON ID="resumeBtn" onclick="movie.resumeElement(); txSeq.resumeElement();">Resume</BUTTON></SPAN> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD> <t:VIDEO CLASS="time" ID="movie" SRC="../../common/samples/author/behaviors/media/movie.avi" BEGIN="indefinite" FILL="FREEZE" onend="updateBtns(); update();"/> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD ID="caption" STYLE="background-color:Silver;" ALIGN="CENTER"> <t:SEQ ID="txSeq" CLASS="time" BEGIN="movie.begin+.5"> <SPAN ID="ten" CLASS="time" DUR="1">Ten</SPAN> <SPAN ID="go" CLASS="time" DUR="2">We're go for main engine start</SPAN> <SPAN ID="seven" CLASS="time" DUR="1">7</SPAN> <SPAN ID="six" CLASS="time" DUR="1">6</SPAN> <SPAN ID="start" CLASS="time" BEGIN="1" DUR="1"> Start</SPAN> <SPAN ID="three" CLASS="time" DUR="1">3</SPAN> <SPAN ID="two" CLASS="time" DUR="1">2</SPAN> <SPAN ID="one" CLASS="time" DUR="1">1</SPAN> <SPAN ID="zero" CLASS="time" DUR="1">0</SPAN> <SPAN ID="liftoff" CLASS="time" DUR="2"> and lift off!</SPAN> <SPAN ID="liftoff2" CLASS="time" DUR="1.75"> Lift off, Americans return to space</SPAN> <SPAN ID="liftoff2" CLASS="time" DUR="2"> as Discovery clears the tower.</SPAN> <SPAN ID="last" CLASS="time" BEGIN="1" DUR="3"> Roger all, Discovery.</SPAN> </t:SEQ> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </SPAN> </BLOCKQUOTE> </BODY> </HTML>
Standards Information
This property is a Microsoft extension to Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language (SMIL)
Applies To
See Also
Introduction to HTML+TIME