namedItem Method
| Internet Development Index |
Retrieves an object or a collection from the specified collection.
oItem = object.namedItem(sName)
sName Required. String that specifies the name or id property of the object to retrieve. A collection is returned if more than one match is made.
Return Value
Returns an object or a collection of objects if successful, or null otherwise.
This method first searches for an object with a matching id attribute. If a match is not found, the method then searches for an object with a matching name attribute, but only on those elements that are allowed a name attribute.
The following example shows how to use the namedItem method to retrieve a div and change its innerText property.
<DIV id="oDIV1">This text will not change.</DIV> <DIV id="oDIV2">This text will change.</DIV> <BUTTON onclick="document.all.namedItem('oDIV2').innerText='Changed!';"> Change Option </BUTTON>
Standards Information
This method is defined in World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Document Object Model (DOM) Level 1
Applies To
all, anchors, applets, areas, boundElements, cells, elements, embeds, forms, images, links, mimeTypes, options, plugins, rows, scripts, tBodies, FORM, filters, frames, imports, styleSheets, TextRange, TextRectangle