HRef Attribute


HRef Attribute

Internet Development Index

Defines a URL for an image. Read/write String.

Applies To


Tag Syntax

<v: element o:href="expression">

Script Syntax




When the shape is clicked, the browser will load the URL. The HRef attribute is similar to the standard HTML HRef attribute of anchors.

Using this attribute makes it easy to create buttons with images on a Web page.

This attribute is used by Microsoft Office only if a picture has been linked and embedded.  Microsoft Word has a user interface for inserting pictures this way. 

Microsoft Offfice Extensions Attribute


When the image is clicked, the browser will load the Microsoft Corporation home page.

   <v:shape id="rect01"
   coordorigin="0 0" coordsize="200 200"
   path="m 1,1 l 1,200, 200,200, 200,1 x e">
   <v:imagedata o:href="" src="kids.jpg"/>