rows Collection | Internet Development Index |
Retrieves a collection of tr (table row) objects from a table object.
[ oColl = ] object.rows [ oObject = ] object.rows(vIndex [, iSubIndex])
Possible Values
oColl Array of tr objects. oObject Reference to an individual item in the array of elements contained by the object. vIndex Required. Integer or string that specifies the element or collection to retrieve. If this parameter is an integer, the method returns the element in the collection at the given position, where the first element has value 0, the second has 1, and so on. If this parameter is a string and there is more than one element with the name or id property equal to the string, the method returns a collection of matching elements. iSubIndex Optional. Position of an element to retrieve. This parameter is used when vIndex is a string. The method uses the string to construct a collection of all elements that have a name or id property equal to the string, and then retrieves from this collection the element at the position specified by iSubIndex.
Members Table
The following table lists the members exposed by the rows object. Click a tab on the left to choose the type of member you want to view.
Property Description length Sets or retrieves the number of objects in a collection. Methods
Method Description item Retrieves an object from the all collection or various other collections. namedItem ![]()
Retrieves an object or a collection from the specified collection. tags Retrieves a collection of objects that have the specified HTML tag name. urns Retrieves a collection of all objects to which a specified behavior is attached.
The scope of the rows collection is for the tHead, tBody, or tFoot object of the table. In addition, there is also a rows collection for the table object, which contains all the rows for the entire table. A row that appears in one of the table sections also appears in the rows collection for the table. The tr object has two index properties, rowIndex and sectionRowIndex, that indicate where a given row appears. The rowIndex property indicates where the tr appears with respect to the rows collection for the whole table. By contrast, sectionRowIndex returns where the tr appears with respect to the rows collection for the specific table section in which it is located.
If duplicate identifiers are found, a collection of those items is returned. Collections of duplicates must be referenced subsequently by ordinal position.
This example shows how to use the rows and cells collections to insert a number into each cell of the table.
<HTML> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JScript"> function numberCells() { var count=0; for (i=0; i < document.all.oTable.rows.length; i++) { for (j=0; j < document.all.oTable.rows(i).cells.length; j++) { document.all.oTable.rows(i).cells(j).innerText = count; count++; } } } </SCRIPT> <BODY onload="numberCells()"> <TABLE id=oTable border=1> <TR><TH> </TH><TH> </TH><TH> </TH><TH> </TH></TR> <TR><TD> </TD><TD> </TD><TD> </TD><TD> </TD></TR> <TR><TD> </TD><TD> </TD><TD> </TD><TD> </TD></TR> </TABLE> </BODY> </HTML>
Standards Information
This collection is defined in World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Document Object Model (DOM) Level 1
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