Edit menu


Edit menu

The Edit menu provides commands for manipulating text in the editor.

BASin uses the .bas file format to store program text on the Clipboard.


Reverses changes you have made to your program, one at a time.


Repeats the changes that you have undone. This command is only available immediately after an undo.


Removes the selected text and places it on the Clipboard. The clipped text is stored as .bas format, so any control characters in the text, or characters from the Spectrum ASCII set will be converted to escape characters.

You can then Paste this text into say, a notepad or an email.


Copies the selected text to the Clipboard. As with the cut option, text is stored in the .bas format.


Inserts any text found on the Windows system clipboard into the program at the current cursor position. The text will be processed for .bas format escape codes, and then will be inserted using one of two methods:

If the text contains no Return (CHR$ 13) characters, then it will be inserted as one line.

If the text contains more than one line, then the Add Code Window will be shown, with the clipboard text in the edit area as plain text. You can change this text if you like, and it will then be checked for mistakes before being added line by line into your program. If any of the lines will overwrite any current program lines, then (assuming that you have enabled Line Overwrite Protection in the relevant Options Window page) BASin will warn you with the option to stop, ignore the line, or replace the old line in the program.


Removes the selected text. Does not store a copy of the text on the Windows clipboard. You will lose the text forever - use with care!

Copy Listing

Copies the entire program listing to the Clipboard. Unlike a normal save in .bas format, this does not include any variables in memory.