The toolbar


The toolbar

The toolbar is located at the top of the editor.

It provides quick access to some of the more commonly used menu commands.



From the File menu:

New - This button will clear the current program and variables from memory, allowing you to start afresh. You will be prompted to save any changes you may have made to the current program.

LOAD "" - Brings up the Load Program dialog. The same as using the Fileā€¦Load "" options from the main menu. You can load either .bas files, or Spectrum Snapshots.

Save - Saves the current program in memory. If this program is new, and has not been saved before ("Untitled Project") then the save program dialog will be displayed prompting you for a filename. This saves either .bas files or Spectrum Snapshots.

From the Run menu:

Run / Pause - If the current program is not running, then this starts the program from the beginning, as if the user had typed "RUN" in the editor as a Direct Command. If the program is already running then execution will be suspended when the current statement has been executed. From there you can use the single step and other debugger functions.

GO TO cursor - This will start program execution from the line and statement that the editor cursor is currently positioned at. Similar to issuing a GO TO command from the editor.

System BREAK / Continue - This will either stop the current program execution by sending a BREAK message to the emulation, or CONTINUE from where it left off. See the CONTINUE keyword help in the BASIC manual for more on how CONTINUE operates.

Single-step statement - When program execution is suspended, you can step through the program one statement at a time, pausing after each so you can inspect the program flow and variables. See the Single Step tool description for more information.

Step over statement - Will, when the program is suspended, run through the current statement until the next statement in the program is encountered. This allows you to step past subroutines that you don't want to have to step through.

Run to cursor - Will start execution and not stop until the program reaches the statement that the editor cursor is resting on. The statement will not be executed - the program will be suspended before it starts.

Add Breakpoint at cursor - Will toggle a breakpoint at the current statement which the editor cursor lies upon. It's the same effect as double clicking a line in the editor. See the Breakpoints section for more on breakpoints. This will open the Breakpoint Properties window so you can edit the breakpoint's conditions.

Add Watch - Opens the Watch Properties window to allow you to add a Watch to the current Watchlist. See the entry under Watches for more information.

From the View menu:

Expression Evaluator - Opens the Expression Evaluator tool which lets you inspect variables within expressions, and perform calculations using Sinclair BASIC codewords.