
If a program stops, CONTINUE can be used to restart the program from the point at which it stopped. If an error has occurred to halt the program, then it must be rectified before CONTINUE will allow the program to resume.

How to use CONTINUE

CONTINUE is used as a direct command when a program has stopped. It requires no parameters. After CONTINUE a program then normally resumes at the same statement at which it stopped. If the cause was an error, then a commond can be entered to rectify the error and CONTINUE will allow the program to continue from that statement. If the program stopped at a STOP statement giving report 9 ("STOP statement") or if it halted because the BREAK key was pressed giving report L ("BREAK into program"), then CONTINUE causes the program to resume from the next statement. A rectifying command can be entered first if necessary.

If CONTINUE is used to resume a direct command, then it will go into a loop if the command stopped at the first statement in the command. The display disappears, but control can be regained by pressing BREAK. CONTINUE gives report 0 ("Ok") if the command stopped at the second statement and report N ("Statement lost") at the third or subsequent statements.



See also

Chapter 2.