
LINE is used in INPUT statements to remove the quote marks around string inputs, and with SAVE to force a saved program to autostart after loading.

How to use LINE with INPUT

In an INPUT statement with a string variable, you can remove the quotation marks around the input area and type STOP to break into a program. By using LINE before the variable, the quotation marks are removed, for example

10 INPUT "What is your name? ";LINE n$

displays the prompt after "What is your name? " without any quotes.

Using LINE with SAVE

LINE can also be used in a SAVE statement to save your program in such a manner as it auto-runs after re-loading. LINE follows the filename in a SAVE statement, and is followed by a numeric value, for example

SAVE "myprog" LINE 1

When a program is saved in this way, the value following LINE is rounded down to the nearest integer if necessary, and then may range from 1 to 9999. When the program is re-loaded, it will automatically start from that line number, or the line after if it does not exist. Note that when starting, a GO TO is performed, so variables are not cleared and the screen display is also not cleared.


  • SAVE string-expr LINE nt-num-expr
  • INPUT [input-items;] LINE string-var

See also

Chapter 15; INPUT; SAVE