
PAPER is used to select the paper or background colour used for the screen display. This may be either the colour of the background of the whole display area, or the colour behind individual characters, points and lines that appear in single character positions.

How to use PAPER

PAPER may be used to form a statement in a program or as a direct command. It is followed by a numeric value, for example

80 PAPER x

The value following PAPER is rounded to the neaerst integer and it may then range from 0 to 9. The paper colours that are given are the same as those given by INK. Paper colours may also be global or may be made local by embedding (inserting) them in display statements in exactly the same way as ink colours. See INK for further details.

Whenever characters are printed following a PAPER statement, whether global or local, the background over the whole character position affected changes to the selected colour. This is also true when points are plotted or lines or circles drawn with an embedded PAPER statement but which have not followed a global command or statement.

To produce a coloured background over the whole display area, it is necessary to use CLS after a PAPER statement. The entire display is cleared to this colour, which remains the overall background colour.


  • PAPER int-num-expr[;]

See also

Chapter 16.