Appendix D: Example programs


Appendix D: Example programs

This appendix contains some example programs.

The first of these programs requires a date to be input and gives the day of the week which corresponds to this date.

  10 REM convert date to day
  20 DIM d$(7,6): 
     REM days of week
  30 FOR n=1 TO 7: 
     READ d$(n): 
     NEXT n
  40 DIM m(12): 
     REM lengths of months
  50 FOR n=1 TO 12: 
     READ m(n): 
     NEXT n
 100 REM input date
 110 INPUT "day?";day
 120 INPUT "month?";month
 130 INPUT "year (20th century only)?";year
 140 IF year<1901 THEN 
     PRINT "20th century starts at 1901": 
     GO TO 100 
 150 IF YEAR>2000 THEN 
     PRINT "20th century ends at 2000": 
     GO TO 100 
 160 IF month<1 THEN 
     GO TO 210 
 170 IF MONTH>12 THEN 
     GO TO 210 
 180 IF year/4-INT(year/4)=0 THEN 
     LET m(2)=29: 
     REM leap year 
 190 IF day>m(month) THEN 
     PRINT "This month has only "; m(month);" days.": 
     GO TO 500 
 200 IF day>0 THEN 
     GO TO 300 
 210 PRINT "Stuff and nonsense. Give me a real date." 
 220 GO TO 500 
 300 REM convert date to number of days since start of century 
 310 LET y=year-1901 
 320 LET b=365*y+INT (y/4): 
     REM number of days to start of year 
 330 FOR n=1 TO month-1: 
     REM add on previous months 
 340 LET b=b+m(n): 
     NEXT n 
 350 LET b=b+day 
 400 REM convert to day of week 
 410 LET b=b-7*INT (b/7)+1 
 420 PRINT day;"/";month;"/";year 
 430 FOR n=6 TO 3 STEP -1: 
     REM remove trailing spaces 
 440 IF d$(b,n) <> " " THEN 
     GO TO 460 
 450 NEXT n
 460 LET e$=d$(b, TO n)
 470 PRINT" is a "; e$; "day"
 500 LET m(2)=28: 
     REM restore February
 510 INPUT "again?", a$
 520 IF a$="n" THEN 
     GO TO 540
 530 IF a$ <> "N" THEN 
     GO TO 100
1000 REM days of week
1010 DATA "Mon", "Tues", "Wednes"
1020 DATA "Thurs", "Fri", "Satur", "Sun"
1100 REM lengths of months
1110 DATA 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30
1120 DATA 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31

This program handles yards, feet and inches.

  10 INPUT "yards?",yd,"feet?",ft, "inches?",ins
  40 GO SUB 2000: 
     REM print the values
  50 PRINT '" = ";
  70 GO SUB 1000: 
     REM the adjustment
  80 GO SUB 2000: 
     REM print the adjusted values
  90 PRINT
 100 GOTO 10
1000 REM subroutine to adjust yd, ft, in to the normal form for yards, feet and inches
1010 LET ins=36*yd+12*ft+ins: 
     REM now everything is in inches
1030 LET s=SGN ins: 
     LET ins=ABS ins: 
     REM we work with in positive, holding its sign in s
1060 LET ft=INT (ins/12): 
     LET ins=(ins-12*ft)*s: 
     REM now ins is ok
1080 LET yd=INT (ft/3)*s: 
     LET ft=ft*s-3*yd: 
2000 REM subroutine to print yd, ft and in
2010 PRINT yd;"yd";ft;"ft";ins;"in";: 

Here is a program to throw coins for the I Ching. (Unfortunately it produces the patterns upside down. but you might not worry about this.)

 10 FOR m=1 TO 6: 
    REM for 6 throws
 20 LET c=0: 
    REM initialize coin total to 0
 30 FOR n=1 TO 3: 
    REM for 3 coins
 40 LET c=c+2+INT (2*RND)
 50 NEXT n
 60 PRINT " ";
 70 FOR n=1 TO 2: 
    REM 1st for the thrown hexagram, 2nd for the changes
 80 PRINT "___";
 90 IF c=7 THEN 
    PRINT " ";
100 IF c=8 THEN 
    PRINT " ";
110 IF c=6 THEN 
    PRINT "X";: 
    LET c=7
120 IF c=9 THEN 
    PRINT "0";: 
    LET c=8
130 PRINT "___ ";
140 NEXT n
160 INPUT a$
170 NEXT m: 

To use this, type it in and run it, and then press Enter five times to get the two hexagrams. Look these up in a copy of the Chinese Book of Changes. The text will describe a situation and the courses of action appropriate to it, and you must ponder deeply to discover the parallels between that and your own life. Press Enter a sixth time, and the program will erase itself this is to discourage you from using it frivolously.

Many people find the texts are always more apt than they would expect on grounds of chance; this may or may not be the case for you. In general, computers are pretty godless creatures.

Here is a program to play 'Pangolins'. You think up an animal, and the computer tries to guess what it is, by asking you questions that can be answered 'yes' or 'no'. If it's never heard of your animal before, it asks you to give it some question that it can use next time to find out whether someone's given it your new animal.

   5 REM Pangolins
  10 LET nq=100: 
     REM number of questions and animals
  15 DIM q$(nq,50): 
     DIM a(nq,2): 
     DIM r$(1)
  20 LET qf=8
  30 FOR n=1 TO qf/2-1
  40 READ q$(n): 
     READ a(n,1): 
     READ a(n,2)
  50 NEXT n
  60 FOR n=n TO qf-1
  70 READ q$(n): 
     NEXT n
 100 REM start playing
 110 PRINT "Think of an animal.","Press any key to continue."
 120 PAUSE 0
 130 LET c=1: 
     REM start with 1st question
 140 IF a(c,1)=0 THEN 
     GO TO 300
 150 LET p$=q$(c): 
     GO SUB 910
 160 PRINT "?": 
     GO SUB 1000
 170 LET inn=1: 
     IF r$="y" THEN 
     GO TO 210
 180 IF r$="Y" THEN 
     GO TO 210
 190 LET inn=2: 
     IF r$="n" THEN 
     GO TO 210
 200 IF r$<>"N" THEN 
     GO TO 150
 210 LET c=a(c,inn): 
     GO TO 140
 300 REM animal
 310 PRINT "Are you thinking of"
 320 LET P$=q$(c): 
     GO SUB 900: 
     PRINT "?"
 330 GO SUB 1000
 340 IF r$="y" THEN 
     GO TO 400
 350 IF r$="Y" THEN 
     GO TO 400
 360 IF r$="n" THEN 
     GO TO 500
 370 IF r$="N" THEN 
     GO TO 500
 380 PRINT "Answer me properly when I'm","talking to you.": 
     GO TO 300
 400 REM guessed it
 410 PRINT "I thought as much.": GO TO 800
 500 REM new animal
 510 IF qf>nq-1 THEN 
     PRINT "I'm sure your animal is very", "interesting, but I don't have","room for it just now.": 
     GO TO 800
 520 LET q$(qf)=q$(c): 
     REM move old animal 
 530 PRINT "What is it, then?": 
     INPUT q$(qf+1)
 540 PRINT "Tell me a question which dist ","inguishes between "
 550 LET p$=q$(qf): 
     GO SUB 900: 
     PRINT " and" 
 560 LET p$=q$(qf+1): 
     GO SUB 900: 
     PRINT " " 
 570 INPUT s$: 
     LET b=LEN s$ 
 580 IF s$(b)="?" THEN 
     LET b=b-1 
 590 LET q$(c)=s$(TO b): 
     REM insert question
 600 PRINT "What is the answer for"
 610 LET p$=q$(qf+1): 
     GO SUB 900: 
     PRINT "?"
 620 GO SUB 1000
 630 LET inn=1: 
     LET io=2: 
     REM answers for new and old animals
 640 IF r$="y" THEN 
     GO TO 700
 650 IF r$="Y" THEN 
     GO TO 700
 660 LET inn=2: 
     LET io=1
 670 IF r$="n" THEN 
     GO TO 700
 680 IF r$="N" THEN 
     GO TO 700
 690 PRINT "That's no good. ": 
     GO TO 600
 700 REM update answers
 710 LET a(c,inn)=qf+1: 
     LET a(c,io)=qf
 720 LET qf=qf+2: 
     REM next free animal space
 730 PRINT "That fooled me."
 800 REM again?
 810 PRINT "Do you want another go?": 
     GO SUB 1000
 820 IF r$="y" THEN 
     GO TO 100
 830 IF r$="Y" THEN 
     GO TO 100
 840 STOP
 900 REM print without trailing spaces
 905 PRINT " ";
 910 FOR n=50 TO 1 STEP -1
 920 IF p$(n)<>" " THEN 
     GO TO 940
 930 NEXT n
 940 PRINT p$(TO n);: 
1000 REM get reply
1010 INPUT r$: 
     IF r$="" THEN 
1020 LET r$=r$(1): 
2000 REM initial animals
2010 DATA "Does it live in the sea",4,2
2020 DATA "Is it scaly",3,5
2030 DATA "Does it eat ants",6,7
2040 DATA "a whale", "a blancmange", "a pangolin", "an ant"

Here is a program to draw a Union Flag.

  5 REM union flag
 10 LET r=2: 
    LET w=7: 
    LET b=1
 20 BORDER 0: 
    PAPER b: 
    INK w: 
 30 REM black in bottom of screen
 50 FOR n=40 TO 0 STEP -8
 60 PLOT PAPER 0;7,n: 
    DRAW PAPER 0;241,0
 70 NEXT n: 
100 REM draw in white parts
105 REM St. George
110 FOR n=0 TO 7
120 PLOT 104+n,175: 
    DRAW 0,-35
130 PLOT 151-n,175: 
    DRAW 0,-35
140 PLOT 151-n,48: 
    DRAW 0,35
150 PLOT 104+n,48: 
    DRAW 0,35
160 NEXT n
200 FOR n=0 TO 11
210 PLOT 0,139-n: 
    DRAW 111,0
220 PLOT 255,139-n: 
    DRAW -111,0
230 PLOT 255,84+n: 
    DRAW -111,0
240 PLOT 0,84+n: 
    DRAW 111,0
250 NEXT n
300 REM St. Andrew
310 FOR n=0 TO 35
320 PLOT 1+2*n,175-n: 
    DRAW 32,0
330 PLOT 224-2*n,175-n: 
    DRAW 16,0
340 PLOT 254-2*n,48+n: 
350 PLOT 17+2*n,48+n: 
    DRAW 16,0
360 NEXT n
370 FOR n=0 TO 19
380 PLOT 185+2*n,140+n: 
    DRAW 32,0 
390 PLOT 200+2*n,83-n: 
    DRAW 16,0
400 PLOT 39-2*n,83-n: 
    DRAW 32,0
410 PLOT 54-2*n,140+n: 
    DRAW -16,0
420 NEXT n
425 REM fill in extra bits 
430 FOR n=0 TO 15
440 PLOT 255,160+n: 
    DRAW 2*n-30,0 
450 PLOT 0,63-n: 
    DRAW 31-2*n,0
460 NEXT n
470 FOR n=0 TO 7
480 PLOT 0,160+n: 
    DRAW 14-2*n,0
485 PLOT 255,63-n: 
    DRAW 2*n-15,0 
490 NEXT n
500 REM red stripes 
520 REM St George
530 FOR n=96 TO 120 STEP 8
540 PLOT PAPER r;7,n: 
    DRAW PAPER r;241,0 
550 NEXT n
560 FOR n=112 TO 136 STEP 8
570 PLOT PAPER r;n,168: 
    DRAW PAPER r;0,-113 
580 NEXT n
600 REM St Patrick
610 PLOT PAPER r;170,140: 
    DRAW PAPER r;70,35 
620 PLOT PAPER r;179,140: 
    DRAW PAPER r;70,35 
630 PLOT PAPER r;199,83: 
    DRAW PAPER r;56,-28 
640 PLOT PAPER r;184,83: 
    DRAW PAPER r;70,-35 
650 PLOT PAPER r;86,83: 
    DRAW PAPER r;-70,-35 
660 PLOT PAPER r;72,83: 
    DRAW PAPER r;-70,-35 
670 PLOT PAPER r;56,140: 
    DRAW PAPER r;-56,28 
680 PLOT PAPER r;71,140: 
    DRAW PAPER r;-70,35 
690 INVERSE 0: 
    PAPER 0: 
    INK 7

If you're not British, have a go at drawing your own flag. Tricolours are fairly easy, although some of the colours - for instance the orange in the Irish flag - might present difficulties. If you're an American, you might be able to fit the character * in.

Here is a program to play hangman. One player enters a word, and the other guesses.

   5 REM hangman 
  10 REM set up screen 
  20 INK 0: 
     PAPER 7: 
  30 LET x=240: 
     GO SUB 1000: 
     REM draw man 
  40 PLOT 238,128: 
     DRAW 4,0: 
     REM mouth 
 100 REM set up word 
 110 INPUT w$: 
     REM word to guess 
 120 LET b=LEN w$: 
     LET v$=" " 
 130 FOR n=2 TO b: 
     LET v$=v$+" " 
 140 NEXT n: 
     REM v$=word guessed so far 
 150 LET c=0: 
     LET d=0: 
     REM guess & mistake counts 
 160 FOR n=0 TO b-1 
 170 PRINT AT 20,n;" ";
 180 NEXT n: 
     REM write  's instead of letters
 200 INPUT "Guess a letter ";g$ 
 210 IF g$="" THEN 
     GO TO 200 
 220 LET g$=g$(1): 
     REM 1st letter only 
 230 PRINT AT 0,c;g$ 
 240 LET c=c+1: 
     LET u$=v$ 
 250 FOR n=1 TO b: 
     REM update guessed word 
 260 IF w$(n)=g$ THEN 
     LET v$(n)=g$ 
 270 NEXT n 
 280 PRINT AT 19,0;v$ 
 290 IF v$=w$ THEN 
     GO TO 500: 
     REM word guessed 
 300 IF v$<>u$ THEN 
     GO TO 200: 
     REM guess was right 
 400 REM draw next part of gallows 
 410 IF d=8 THEN 
     GO TO 600: 
     REM hanged 
 420 LET d=d+1
 430 READ x0,y0,x,y 
 440 PLOT x0,y0: 
     DRAW x,y 
 450 GO TO 200 
 500 REM free man 
 510 OVER 1: 
     REM rub out man 
 520 LET x=240: 
     GO SUB 1000 
 530 PLOT 238,128: 
     DRAW 4,0: 
     REM mouth 
 540 OVER 0: 
     REM redraw man 
 550 LET x=146: 
     GO SUB 1000 
 560 PLOT 143,129: 
     DRAW 6,0, PI/2: 
     REM smile 
 570 GO TO 800 
 600 REM hang man 
 610 OVER 1: 
     REM rub out floor 
 620 PLOT 255,65: 
     DRAW -48,0
 630 DRAW 0,-48: 
     REM open trapdoor
 640 PLOT 238,128: 
     DRAW 4,0: 
     REM rub out mouth
 650 REM move limbs
 655 REM arms
 660 PLOT 255,117: 
     DRAW -15,-15: 
     DRAW -15,15
 670 OVER 0
 680 PLOT 236,81: 
     DRAW 4,21: 
     DRAW 4, 21
 690 OVER 1: 
     REM legs
 700 PLOT 255,66: 
     DRAW -15,15: 
     DRAW -15,-15
 710 OVER 0
 720 PLOT 236,60: 
     DRAW 4,21: 
     DRAW 4,-21
 730 PLOT 237,127: 
     DRAW 6,0,-PI/2: 
     REM frown
 740 PRINT AT 19,0;w$
 800 INPUT "again? ";a$
 810 IF a$="" THEN 
     GO TO 850
 820 LET a$=a$(1)
 830 IF a$="n" THEN 
 840 IF a$(1)="N" THEN 
 850 RESTORE: 
     GO TO 5
1000 REM draw man at column x
1010 REM head
1020 CIRCLE x,132,8
1030 PLOT x+4,134: 
     PLOT x-4,134: 
     PLOT x,131
1040 REM body
1050 PLOT x,123: 
     DRAW 0,-20
1055 PLOT x,101: 
     DRAW 0,-19
1060 REM legs
1070 PLOT x-15,66: 
     DRAW 15,15: 
     DRAW 15,-15
1080 REM arms
1090 PLOT x-15,117: 
     DRAW 15,-15: 
     DRAW 15,15
2000 DATA 120,65,135,0,184,65,0,91
2010 DATA 168,65,16,16,184,81,16,-16
2020 DATA 184,156,68,0,184,140,16,16
2030 DATA 204,156,-20,-20,240,156,0,-16

Appendix E

Appendix C