Advanced Page (FTP Site Properties Dialog Box)
The Advanced page lets you enter or modify advanced FTP settings.
Enable Directory Caching—Enables directory caching.
Automatically Resolve Links—Lets Hummingbird FTP automatically attempt to resolve links.
Passive Mode—Select one of the following:
- Selected and Not Dimmed—Hummingbird FTP operates in passive mode and sends a PASV command to the host. The host responds with its IP address and port number, allowing the FTP engine to launch a connection. Typically, you should select this option if you are operating behind a firewall.
- Selected and Dimmed—Hummingbird FTP operates in passive mode (if passive mode is supported by the host). This is the default setting.
- Cleared—Hummingbird FTP operates in active mode.
Drop Version Numbers on VMS—Hummingbird FTP removes version numbers from file names when downloading files from VMS machines to your PC. When you want to transfer multiple files, only the most recent version of each file gets transferred.
Update Cache on Connect—Hummingbird FTP refreshes its cache with updated directory listings each time you connect to the remote FTP host.
Allow Optimized Transfer—Specifies a true server-to-server file operation when transferring files between local and network drives and FTP servers. This is the default setting. Clearing this option causes the FTP to first copy the file onto a PC before completing the transfer.
Network Timeout—Specifies the time that elapses before the network connection times out.
Keep Alive—Sends dummy commands (pings) to the host at specified intervals. This prevents the host from causing a timeout for your connection in the event that your connection is temporarily dormant.
Convert from GMT Date/Time Format—Converts the timestamp from GMT Date/Time format to local Windows format as Hummingbird FTP receives files.
Hour Offset—Specifies the number of time-correction hours.
Minute Offset—Specifies the number of time-correction minutes.
Commands To Send On Connect—Lets you type the desired FTP protocol command that you want sent to the host upon successful connection. Do not include a command that would require opening a new data socket, such as DIR or LS.
Auto-Detect Server Type—Enables the FTP Engine to automatically detect the remote server type. When clearing this option, you can view and select a server type from the drop-down list box.
Type of FTP Server—Lets you select an FTP server. To view this drop-down list box, clear the Auto-Detect Server Type check box.
General Page (FTP Site Properties Dialog Box)
Firewall/Proxy Page (FTP Site Properties Dialog Box)
Other Page (FTP Site Properties Dialog Box)