Creating HostExplorer Profiles

Hummingbird Neighborhood

Creating HostExplorer Profiles

Before you can use HostExplorer to connect to a host, you need to create a HostExplorer session profile.

To create a HostExplorer profile:

  1. On the File menu, click New HostExplorer Profile, or double-click the New HostExplorer Profile icon. The New Profile dialog box opens.
  2. In the Profile Name box, type a name for your profile.
      The profile name cannot contain any of the following characters: \ / : * ? " < > |
  3. In the Profile Type list, select a connection profile type. You can select a display session profile (3270, 5250, or VT), a printer session profile (3270 or 5250), or a profile template (which specifies the type as well as other parameters for a new session profile).
  4. To set session profile options immediately, use the Properties button. Do one of the following:
    • Click Properties to open the Session Properties dialog box.
    • Click the arrow to display a list of shortcuts to folders that are appropriate for the connection profile type that you want to create. Click a shortcut to go directly to the folder in the Session Properties dialog box.
  5. If you want to apply a theme to the new profile, select a pre-configured or a custom theme in the Theme box. You can create custom themes in the Session Profile dialog box.
  6. In the Connect By list, select the connection method you want to use.
      The Secure Shell option is available only if you purchased and installed Connectivity Secure Shell and selected VT Display as your profile type. For more information on securing a HostExplorer VT session with Secure Shell, see the related topic in the Connectivity Secure Shell Help.
  7. In the Host Name box, type the host domain name or IP address.
  8. Click OK.

The new HostExplorer session profile appears in the profile list in Hummingbird Neighborhood.

Related Topics

General Page (5250 Data Transfer Properties Dialog Box)

Managing HostExplorer Profiles

Connecting to a Host