Entering title text

Windows Movie Maker

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Entering title text

This page provides a space where you can enter the text for your title or credits.

The following options appear on this page.

Enter Text for Title

Provides a space for you to enter the text for your title. The text area is divided into two parts (as the default or if you have selected a title animation that is in the grouping Titles, Two Lines on the Choose the Title Animation page). This lets you choose to add one or two lines of text for your title, depending on the text you want to add and the title animation you choose.

As you type more text, the font size will become smaller to accommodate larger amounts of text. To add a title to the storyboard/timeline, you must enter at least one character.

Change the title animation

Click to go to the Choose a Title Animation page and then choose a new title animation.

Change the text font and color

Click to go to the Select Title Font and Color page and then specify the font, font size, formatting, and colors used for your title.

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