Movie not accepted by video hosting provider

Windows Movie Maker

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Movie not accepted by video hosting provider

The movie cannot be sent to the specified video hosting provider’s server. The movie may not be accepted by the video hosting provider in one or more of the following circumstances:

  • There is not enough available space on the server to store the movie.
  • The movie file is saved at a higher movie setting and bit rate than is permitted by the video hosting provider’s server.

To fix this problem, do one or more of the following:

  • Verify that you have enough space available on the video hosting provider’s server and your account to accommodate the movie. If necessary, through your Web browser, log in to your account through the hosting provider’s Web site, and delete any unwanted or unused content you can access through your account.
  • Save the movie at a lower movie setting with a lower bit rate. This reduces the file size.

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