Exporting Detected Events


Analysis > Event Detection & Analysis > Exporting Detected Events


Detected event fluorescence and analogue channel waveform records can be exported to WinWCP, Axon PCLAMP, Igor Binary Wave and CED CFS format files and in ASCII tabular form. To export a series of detected records:


1.      Click the Export A/D Channels button to export the analogue data channels of one or more event records or the Export Fluorescence button to export the currently displayed event fluorescence waveform.

2.      Select the format of the export file: Axon for Axon Instruments ABF format, WCP for Strathclyde WinWCP format, Text for ASCII text files, Igor Wave for IGOR Pro Igor Binary Wave (IBW) format or CFS for CED Filing System format.


3.      Select the range of events to be exported either by select All Events or by selecting Range and entering the range of events. (Events marked as Rejected are not exported.)

4.      [Optional] Click the Change Output File button to change the name or destination folder of the export file.

5.      [Optional] If more one signal channel is available, select the channels to be exported.

6.      Click the OK button to export