Display Device Driver Level Primitives Functions

Microchip Graphics Library

Microchip Graphics Library
Display Device Driver Level Primitives Functions
Returns pixel color at the given x,y coordinate position. 
Puts pixel with the given x,y coordinate position. 
Enables/disables clipping. 
Sets clipping region. 
Sets current transparent color. PutImage() will not render pixels that matches the set transparent color. To enable Transparent Color feature, define the macro USE_TRANSPARENT_COLOR in the GraphicsConfig.h file. 
Sets the brightness of the display. 
Copies a block of data from source specified by srcAddr and srcOffset to the destination specified by dstAddr and dstOffset. This is similar to the CopyWindow() and but instead of using left, top position of the source and destination, it uses offsets instead. This is a blocking function. 
This is a blocking call. A windows is a rectangular area with the given width and height of a page. The source and destination window can be located in different pages and each page is assumed to have the same dimensions (equal width and height). 
A windows is a rectangular area with the given width and height located in the given base source address. The source and destination window can be located in the same base address. If this is the case, then srcAddr = dstAddr. The operation is similar to CopyPageWindow() but instead of using page numbers, addresses are used for versatility. This is a blocking function. 
Sets active graphic page. 
Sets graphic page to display. 
Microchip Graphics Library Version 3.06.02 - October 15, 2012
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