About - Explorer++ |
Current: v1.3.3 |
Explorer++ is a free multi-tab file manager for the Windows® operating system, released as open source under the GNU GPLv3 license. Windows® Explorer provides basic functionality - the ability to navigate throughout your computer, and perform basic tasks - but Explorer++ goes further, introducing several enhancements and improvements for a much richer file browsing experience. Aside from basic navigation, Explorer++ has:
- a two paned interface, like Windows® Explorer, but with multiple tabs in the fileS pane. You can have many locations open at once and quickly change from tab to tab.
- a Drives toolbar, showing all available volumes - disk drives - (including network and USB drives). Jump to a drive with a single mouse click.
- a Bookmarks menu (similar to Windows® Explorer favorites, but with more functionality), and a Bookmarks toolbar
- an Application toolbar where you can create shortcuts to your favorite applications
- Show Command Prompt built into Explorer++
- attribute control (set, clear) for multiple files
- various methods of file display, including multiple groupings
- quickly split a large file into pieces, for email or other purposes, and quickly merge pieces back into the original file
- a destroy files function which deletes files, then wipes their former disk space clean. This provides secure erasing of files.
- a built-in file search function which allows searching by name or attributes
- customized file display colors, by name or attributes
- ability to run in portable mode, storing all configuration in an XML file
- highly configurable, for user preference
- full drag-and-drop support with other applications, including Windows® Explorer
- much more...!
Explorer++ requires Windows® XP, Vista or Seven (32 bit or 64 bit systems) to run; there is no installation required.
Explorer++ uses English as its native language, but can be used with other languages through the use of translation DLLs, available on the website. Translations are user contributed (thanks for the work!), and as a result, some may be incomplete.
Note: Windows (and other Microsoft terms in this document) is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries. Subsequent use of any Microsoft trademark in this document will not include the ® symbol, for convenience, but that symbol should be implied.