KBD500 Operating Functions

DS ControlPoint

Table F.  KBD5000 Menu Operations (1 of 2)
Joystick: Used in conjunction with the Iris and Focus buttons.
Joystick trigger: Activates and exits PTZ mode.
Iris button: Changes the light settings.
Adjust the focus: In PTZ mode, press the Focus button, and then turn the joystick left or right to adjust the focus.
Zoom In/Out: In PTZ mode, turn the joystick left or right without the Iris/Focus key illuminated.
Help button: Displays or hides the KBD5000 online Help.
Alphanumeric keypad: In PTZ mode, the entered number can be a pattern or preset. In navigation mode, the entered number can be a camera, monitor, channel, time, or volume.
Camera selection button: Calls up the Select Camera dialog box with a list of cameras.
Multiple view buttons: Changes the currently selected video pane to one of the following screen layouts: 1 x 1, 2 x 2, 3 x 3, and 4 x 4 layouts. All other layouts must be configured with the mouse.
Shuttle (outer ring): Turn the shuttle to the left to rewind video at a variable speed. Turn the shuttle to the right to forward video at a variable speed.
Jog (inner dial): Turn the Jog left to step the video back. Turn the Jog right to step the video forward.
Dyn1 and Dyn2: Configures and calls patterns.
4. Press the same number, and then press Dyn2 (red) to save and start the pattern.
When a pattern is saved, you can call it up by pressing a number, and then pressing Dyn2.
Dyn3 and Dyn4: Configures and calls patterns.
3. Press a number, and then press Dyn3 (green) to save the preset.
When a preset is saved, you can call it up by pressing a number, and then pressing Dyn4 (red).
Play/pause video button: Plays or pauses recorded video.
Live Mode: Enters Live mode and guides you to the Live tab.