Select the Action Type (Action Wizard)

Analysis Services

Analysis Services

Select the Action Type (Action Wizard)

In this step of the wizard, you select the type of action to be launched when an end user selects the target object in the client application while browsing the cube.



Select from the following action types.

Select To
Command Line Create an action that executes an MS-DOS command prompt. For example, you can use the path C:\Winnt\Notepad.exe to start the Notepad application in Windows NT® 4.0 or Windows® 2000.
Statement Create an action that executes an SQL statement through OLE DB from the client application.
HTML Create an action that executes an HTML script within the default Web browser.
URL Create an action that navigates to a Web address and displays its respective page in the default Web browser.
Data set Create an action that returns a multidimensional data set.
Rowset Create an action that returns a set of tabular rows.
Proprietary Create an action that enables the client application to perform a custom action.


View an example of the syntax for the type of action you select.

See Also
