Merging Partitions

Analysis Services

Analysis Services

Merging Partitions

The ability to merge partitions can be a powerful option, but care must be taken to fully understand both the process of merging and ways to ensure that the merge operation produces your intended results.

To ensure that partitions can be merged at a later time, when you create the partitions, you must take into account certain restrictions on merging partitions. Partitions can be merged only if they meet all the criteria listed here:

  • They are in the same cube

  • They have the same structure (the default situation)

  • They are stored in the same mode (MOLAP, HOLAP, or ROLAP)

  • They contain identical aggregation designs

Remote partitions can be merged only with other remote partitions that are defined with the same remote Analysis server.

To create a partition that is a candidate for future merging, when you create the partition in the Partition Wizard, you can choose to copy the aggregation design from another of the cube's partitions. This ensures that these partitions have the same aggregation design; when they are merged, the aggregations of the source partition are combined with the aggregations in the target partition.

To merge two partitions