Analysis Server:Agg Cache Object

Analysis Services

Analysis Services

Analysis Server:Agg Cache Object

The following table lists performance counters from the Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2000 Analysis Services Agg Cache object. The Agg Cache object counters provide information about the aggregation cache.

Agg Cache object counters Description
Bytes added/sec Rate of bytes added to the cache.
Current bytes Current number of bytes used by the aggregation cache.
Current entries Current number of cache entries.
Direct hit ratio Ratio of cache direct hits to cache lookups, for the period between obtaining counter values.
Direct hits/sec Rate of cache direct hits. Queries were answered from an existing cache entry.
Evictions/sec Rate of evictions from the cache.  This is per partition per cube per database.  Typically due to background cleaner.
Filter hit ratio Ratio of cache filter hits to cache lookups, for the period between obtaining counter values.
Filter hits/sec Rate of cache filter hits. Queries were answered by filtering an existing cache entry.
Inserts/sec The rate of insertions into the cache. This is per partition per cube per database.
Lookups/sec The rate of cache lookups.
Misses/sec The rate of cache misses.
Total direct hits Total count of direct cache hits. Queries were answered from existing cache entries.
Total filter hits Total count of filter cache hits. Queries were answered by filtering existing cache entries.
Total evictions Evictions from the cache. This is per partition per cube per database. Typically due to background cleaner.
Total inserts Insertions into the cache. This is per partition per cube per database.
Total lookups Total number of lookups into the cache.  Note that each MDX query has zero or more server round trips, and each partition will be queried.
Total misses Total count of cache misses.

See Also

Monitoring Analysis Services Performance