Browsing an Unprocessed Cube
Cube Browser does not display data for an unprocessed cube. (An exception is that when you create a new cube in the Cube Wizard and click Browse Sample Data in the wizard's last step, Cube Browser displays sample data.) Sample data is generated during cube editing sessions so that you can view the impact of your changes without having to process the cube after each change.
If a cube has not been processed since it was last changed, the following message appears when you open Cube Browser by right-clicking a cube and then clicking Browse Data:
Unable to browse the cube 'cube-name'.
Cube not processed. To browse sample data for this cube, open
Cube Editor, and then on the View menu, click Data.
If you receive this message, you have two options.
First, you can close Cube Browser, process the cube, and then browse it with Cube Browser. However, cube processing can take considerable time. For more information about processing cubes, see Processing Cubes.
Second, you can close Cube Browser and browse sample data in Cube Editor. Browsing sample data enables you to preview the structure of a cube without viewing its actual data.
To browse sample data in Cube Editor