The Analysis Manager Tree Pane

Analysis Services

Analysis Services

The Analysis Manager Tree Pane

Analysis Manager is represented as a folder named Analysis Servers located beneath the Console Root folder. This topic describes the Analysis Manager hierarchy and the location of its components, which make up the Analysis Manager tree pane.

Analysis Servers

The Analysis Servers folder contains an icon for each Analysis server registered in Analysis Manager. The name beside the icon is the same as the server name.


Each Analysis server contains one or more databases. Each database is represented by an icon beneath the Analysis server icon.

Beneath each database icon is a:

  • Data Sources folder for the data sources specified in the database.

  • Cubes folder for the cubes in the database.

  • Shared Dimensions folder for the shared dimensions in the database. These dimensions are defined at the database level and can be shared among the cubes in the database.

  • Mining Models folder for data mining models stored in the database.

  • Database Roles icon that represents all of the database roles in the database.
Data Sources

Beneath each database icon is a Data Sources folder for the data sources specified in the database. A data source maintains OLE DB provider information, server connection information, network settings, connection time-out, and access permissions. A database can contain multiple data sources in its Data Sources folder.


Beneath each database icon is a Cubes folder for the cubes in the database. Each cube is represented by an icon. Three varieties of cubes are depicted in the Analysis Manager tree pane: regular, linked, and virtual.

Regular Cubes

In a Cubes folder, each regular cube is represented by an icon. Beneath each regular cube icon is a:

  • Partitions folder that contains an icon for each partition in the cube.

  • Cube Roles icon that represents all of the cube roles for the cube.

To see the dimensions, measures, and other components in a regular cube, right-click its icon and then click Edit.

Linked Cubes

In a Cubes folder, each linked cube is represented by an icon. Beneath each linked cube icon is a Cube Roles icon that represents all of the cube roles for the cube.

Virtual Cubes

In a Cubes folder, each virtual cube is represented by an icon. Beneath each virtual cube icon is a Cube Roles icon that represents all of the cube roles for the cube.

To see the dimensions, measures, and other components in a virtual cube, right-click its icon and then click Edit.


A cube's Partitions folder contains an icon for each partition in the cube. There are two types of partitions depicted in the Analysis Manager tree pane: local and remote.

Local Partitions

In a Partitions folder, each local partition is represented by an icon. To access the settings for a partition, right-click its icon, and then click Edit.

Remote Partitions

In a Partitions folder, each remote partition is represented by an icon. To access the settings for a partition, right-click its icon, and then click Edit.

Cube Roles

Beneath a cube, a single Cube Roles icon represents all of the cube roles for the cube. To access the roles, right-click the icon, and then click Manage Roles.

Shared Dimensions

Beneath each database icon is a Shared Dimensions folder that contains an icon for each shared dimension in the database. These dimensions can be included in any cube in the database. Four varieties of shared dimensions are depicted in the Analysis Manager tree pane: regular, virtual, parent-child, and data mining.

Regular Dimensions

In a Shared Dimensions folder, each regular dimension is represented by an icon.

To see the levels, members, and other components in a dimension, right-click its icon, and then click Edit.

Virtual Dimensions

In a Shared Dimensions folder, each virtual dimension is represented by an icon.

To see the levels, members, and other components in a dimension, right-click its icon, and then click Edit.

Parent-Child Dimensions

In a Shared Dimensions folder, each parent-child dimension is represented by an icon.

To see the levels, members, and other components in a dimension, right-click its icon, and then click Edit.

Data Mining Dimensions

In a Shared Dimensions folder, each data mining dimension is represented by an icon.

To see the levels, members, and other components in a dimension, right-click its icon, and then click Edit.

Mining Models

Beneath each database icon is a Mining Models folder that contains an icon for each mining model in the database, There are two types of mining models depicted in the Analysis Manager, relational and OLAP.

Relational Mining Models

In a Mining Models folder, each relational mining model is represented by an icon.

To view or modify the structure of a mining model, right-click its icon, and then click Edit. To view the content of a mining model, right-click its icon, and then click Browse.

OLAP Mining Models

In a Mining Models folder, each OLAP mining model is represented by an icon.

To view or modify the structure of a mining model, right-click its icon, and then click Edit. To view the content of a mining model, right-click its icon, and then click Browse.

Mining Model Roles

Beneath a mining model, a single Mining Model Roles icon represents all of the mining model roles for the mining model. To access the roles, right-click the icon, and then click Manage Roles.

Database Roles

Beneath a database, a single Database Roles icon represents all of the database roles in the database. These roles can be assigned to any cube in the database. To access the roles, right-click the icon, and then click Manage Roles.

See Also

Object Architecture