Running Setup
This topic describes how to install Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2000 Analysis Services.
If you are upgrading from an earlier version of Analysis Services (formerly called OLAP Services), you should take certain steps before performing the following procedure. For more information, see Upgrading from an Earlier Version.
If you are reinstalling Analysis Services, you should take certain steps before and after performing the following procedure. For more information, see Reinstalling Analysis Services.
Although Analysis Services can connect to multiple instances of SQL Server running on a single computer, you cannot install multiple instances of Analysis Services on a single computer.
To install Analysis Services, use the Analysis Services Setup program or the SQL Server 2000 Setup program.
To install Analysis Services
- Exit all Microsoft Windows® applications.
- Insert the SQL Server 2000 CD into the CD-ROM drive. This starts the SQL Server 2000 Setup program. If the Setup program does not start automatically, run the Autorun.exe program in the root directory of the CD-ROM.
- Click Install SQL Server 2000 Components.
- Click Analysis Services to start the Analysis Services Setup program.
- In the Welcome step, click Next.
- In the Software License Agreement step, read the license agreement, and then do one of the following:
- To accept the license agreement, click Yes. You must select this option to install Analysis Services.
- To reject the license agreement, click No. If you select this option, the program will ask you to confirm exiting. If you select Exit Setup, the program closes and the installation is canceled. To continue Setup, click Resume.
- To accept the license agreement, click Yes. You must select this option to install Analysis Services.
- The Setup program prompts you to enter the CD key. Type the 10-digit CD key for the product, and then click OK.
- The Setup program displays the complete product ID, which you can record for future reference. After you record the product ID, click OK.
- In the Select Components step, select the components you want to install. All of the options are selected by default. You cannot clear the check box of any component on which another selected component depends.
Unless you are installing the client components on a client computer, installing all components is recommended. The following components are available for installation.
Component Description Analysis server Binary executables and other server-related files required for an installation of an Analysis server. Includes the FoodMart 2000 sample database used by the tutorial. Requires the client components. Analysis Manager Binary executables and other files that support the user interface for administering the Analysis server. Includes the MDXSample executable file. Requires Decision Support Objects (DSO) and the client components. Decision Support Objects The object model for administering the Analysis server and managing meta data. Requires the client components. Client components Binary executables and related files for the Analysis Services client. Client components include PivotTable® Service. Sample applications Sample applications include the MDXSample source files, the FoodMart 2000 database, and programming samples. Requires the client components. Books Online The entire documentation set for SQL Server 2000, including Analysis Services. This file is approximately 30 megabytes (MB). If space is at a premium, you can choose not to install Books Online. However, product documentation will not be available in the user interface until it is reinstalled.
To change the destination drive or folder, click Browse. Although remote network drives are listed in these dialog boxes, installation to locations on remote network drives is not supported.
Space Required and Space Available indicate disk drive space and help you determine what components to install. If your current disk drive does not have enough space available, you can click Disk Space to determine which disks on your computer have enough space to install Analysis Services.
After you select the components to install, click Next. The steps that follow may change depending on which components you selected to install.
- In the Data Folder Location step, you can change the location of the Data folder, which is the data storage location of the Analysis server.
The default location for the Data folder is C:\Program Files\Microsoft Analysis Services\Data (unless you specified another location for Analysis Services in the previous step). You can specify a different location by clicking Browse. If you change the default folder or drive, be sure to enter a fully qualified path. To specify a data storage location other than the computer on which the server is installed, you must have full control access permissions on that computer.
Important The Data folder stores security files that control end users' access to objects on the Analysis server. For this reason, the Data folder must be secured against unauthorized access.
After you select the location of the Data folder, click Next.
- In the Select Program Folder step, accept the default program folder name or enter a new one. This determines the location of the Analysis Services menu items on the Start menu. Click Next.
- Analysis Services installation begins. After Setup notifies you that the installation is complete, click Finish.
- If you are prompted to restart your computer, do one of the following:
- Click Yes, I want to restart my computer now, and then click Finish.
- Click No, I will restart my computer later, and then click Finish. If you select this option, the installation is not complete until after you restart the computer.
- Click Yes, I want to restart my computer now, and then click Finish.
- If you are finished installing SQL Server 2000 components, click Exit in the SQL Server 2000 Setup program.
If in Step 10 you specified a data storage location other than the computer on which the server is installed, you must configure your Analysis server service (MSSQLServerOLAPService) to log on as your user account, instead of the default, which is to log on as the system account. To do this, use the Services application, which is in Control Panel in Windows NT® 4.0 or the Administrative Tools folder in Control Panel in Windows 2000.