Setup Parameters and Silent Installation
You can start the Analysis Services Setup program (\Msolap\Install\Setup.exe on the SQL Server CD-ROM) with the following optional command line parameters:
This option causes Setup.exe to automatically generate a silent response file (.iss), which is a record of the installation input, in the systemroot folder (typically C:\WinNT).
This option performs a silent (unattended) installation.
This option allows you to specify the alternate location and name of the response file (.iss file). If the -f1 switch is not used when you run silent installation, Setup searches for the response file Setup.iss in the same folder as Setup.exe.
This option allows you to specify an alternate location and name of the log file. By default, the Setup.log log file is created and stored in the systemroot folder (typically C:\Winnt).
If you use the -r option you can create a record of any installation scenario. You can use this record to perform a silent (unattended) installation. For example, the following command initiates a silent installation of the components specified in the Setup.iss response file previously recorded when you used the -r option:
Setup.exe -s -f1C:\temp\setup.iss
Prevents Setup.exe from checking the available memory during initialization. This switch is necessary when running Setup on a computer with more than 256 megabytes (MB) of memory. If it is not used, Setup.exe reports insufficient memory and exits.