Hummingbird Neighborhood Synchronization Wizard

Hummingbird Neighborhood

Hummingbird Neighborhood Synchronization Wizard

To access

You can synchronize files to and from a remote FTP site. You can also create a master file, which lets Hummingbird FTP maintain sets of remote and local files. When two files are synchronized, the secondary copy is automatically synchronized with the master each time.

The Hummingbird Neighborhood Synchronization Wizard lets you create, edit, and delete synchronization items. Use the Synchronization Wizard to initiate the synchronization process.

Synchronization List—Lists the synchronization items created in the Edit Synchronization Item Properties dialog box. The remote file name, local file name, direction of synchronization, and current status appear for each item.

New—Opens the Edit Synchronization Item Properties dialog box, where you can specify information for a new synchronization item.

Edit—Opens the Edit Synchronization Item Properties dialog box, where you can edit the information for the selected synchronization item.

Delete—Removes a selected item from the Synchronization list.

Synchronize—Initiates the synchronization process for a selected file in the Synchronization List.

Related Topics

Edit Synchronization Item Properties Dialog Box

Synchronizing Files

Editing and Deleting Synchronization Items