Assimp: Class Hierarchy

assimp - Open Asset Import Library

Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
 CaiAnimationAn animation consists of keyframe data for a number of nodes
 CaiBoneA single bone of a mesh
 CaiCameraHelper structure to describe a virtual camera
 CaiColor3DRepresents a color in Red-Green-Blue space
 CaiColor4t< TReal >Represents a color in Red-Green-Blue space including an alpha component
 CaiExportDataBlobDescribes a blob of exported scene data
 CaiExportFormatDescDescribes an file format which Assimp can export to
 CaiFaceA single face in a mesh, referring to multiple vertices
 CaiFileC-API: File callbacks
 CaiFileIOC-API: File system callbacks
 CaiImporterDescMeta information about a particular importer
 CaiLightHelper structure to describe a light source
 CaiLogStreamC-API: Represents a log stream
 CaiMaterialData structure for a material
 CaiMatrix3x3t< TReal >Represents a row-major 3x3 matrix
 CaiMatrix4x4t< TReal >Represents a row-major 4x4 matrix, use this for homogeneous coordinates
 CaiMatrix4x4t< float >
 CaiMemoryInfoStores the memory requirements for different components (e.g
 CaiMeshA mesh represents a geometry or model with a single material
 CaiMeshAnimDescribes vertex-based animations for a single mesh or a group of meshes
 CaiMeshKeyBinds a anim mesh to a specific point in time
 CaiMetadataContainer for holding metadata
 CaiMetadataEntryMetadata entry
 CaiNodeA node in the imported hierarchy
 CaiNodeAnimDescribes the animation of a single node
 CaiPlaneRepresents a plane in a three-dimensional, euclidean space
 CaiPropertyStoreC-API: Represents an opaque set of settings to be used during importing
 CaiQuaterniont< TReal >Represents a quaternion in a 4D vector
 CaiQuatKeyA time-value pair specifying a rotation for the given time
 CaiRayRepresents a ray
 CaiSceneThe root structure of the imported data
 CaiStringRepresents an UTF-8 string, zero byte terminated
 CaiTexelHelper structure to represent a texel in a ARGB8888 format
 CaiTextureHelper structure to describe an embedded texture
 CaiUVTransformDefines how an UV channel is transformed
 CaiVector2t< TReal >Represents a two-dimensional vector
 CaiVector2t< float >
 CaiVector3t< TReal >Represents a three-dimensional vector
 CaiVector3t< float >
 CaiVectorKeyA time-value pair specifying a certain 3D vector for the given time
 CaiVertexWeightA single influence of a bone on a vertex
 CAssimp::BaseImporterFOR IMPORTER PLUGINS ONLY: The BaseImporter defines a common interface for all importer worker classes
 CAssimp::Exporter::ExportFormatEntryInternal description of an Assimp export format option
 CAssimp::ImporterCPP-API: The Importer class forms an C++ interface to the functionality of the Open Asset Import Library
 CAssimp::Interpolator< T >CPP-API: Utility class to simplify interpolations of various data types
 CAssimp::ScopeGuard< T >
 CAssimp::IOStreamCPP-API: Class to handle file I/O for C++
 CAssimp::IOSystemCPP-API: Interface to the file system
 CAssimp::LoggerCPP-API: Abstract interface for logger implementations
 CAssimp::DefaultLoggerCPP-API: Primary logging facility of Assimp
 CAssimp::NullLoggerCPP-API: Empty logging implementation
 CAssimp::LogStreamCPP-API: Abstract interface for log stream implementations
 CAssimp::ProgressHandlerCPP-API: Abstract interface for custom progress report receivers
Generated on Sun Feb 21 2016 19:42:29 for Assimp by   doxygen 1.8.11