Assimp: File List

assimp - Open Asset Import Library

File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
 anim.hDefines the data structures in which the imported animations are returned
 camera.hDefines the aiCamera data structure
 cexport.hDefines the C-API for the Assimp export interface
 cfileio.hDefines generic C routines to access memory-mapped files
 cimport.hDefines the C-API to the Open Asset Import Library
 color4.hRGBA color structure, including operators when compiling in C++
 color4.inlInline implementation of aiColor4t<TReal> operators
 config.hDefines constants for configurable properties for the library
 defs.hAssimp build configuration setup
 dox.hGeneral documentation built from a doxygen comment
 Exporter.hppDefines the CPP-API for the Assimp export interface
 Importer.hppDefines the C++-API to the Open Asset Import Library
 importerdesc.haiImporterFlags, aiImporterDesc implementation
 IOStream.hppFile I/O wrappers for C++
 IOSystem.hppFile system wrapper for C++
 light.hDefines the aiLight data structure
 Logger.hppAbstract base class 'Logger', base of the logging system
 LogStream.hppAbstract base class 'LogStream', representing an output log stream
 material.hDefines the material system of the library
 material.inlDefines the C++ getters for the material system
 matrix3x3.hDefinition of a 3x3 matrix, including operators when compiling in C++
 matrix3x3.inlInline implementation of the 3x3 matrix operators
 matrix4x4.h4x4 matrix structure, including operators when compiling in C++
 matrix4x4.inlInline implementation of the 4x4 matrix operators
 mesh.hDeclares the data structures in which the imported geometry is returned by ASSIMP: aiMesh, aiFace and aiBone data structures
 metadata.hDefines the data structures for holding node meta information
 NullLogger.hppDummy logger
 postprocess.hDefinitions for import post processing steps
 ProgressHandler.hppAbstract base class 'ProgressHandler'
 quaternion.hQuaternion structure, including operators when compiling in C++
 quaternion.inlInline implementation of aiQuaterniont<TReal> operators
 scene.hDefines the data structures in which the imported scene is returned
 texture.hDefines texture helper structures for the library
 types.hBasic data types and primitives, such as vectors or colors
 vector2.h2D vector structure, including operators when compiling in C++
 vector2.inlInline implementation of aiVector2t<TReal> operators
 vector3.h3D vector structure, including operators when compiling in C++
 vector3.inlInline implementation of aiVector3t<TReal> operators
 version.hFunctions to query the version of the Assimp runtime, check compile flags, ..
Generated on Sun Feb 21 2016 19:42:29 for Assimp by   doxygen 1.8.11