D.8. mergecap: Merging multiple capture files into one

Wireshark 2.1

D.8. mergecap: Merging multiple capture files into one

Mergecap (Wireshark) 2.1.0 (v2.1.0rc0-502-g328fbc0 from master)
Merge two or more capture files into one.
See https://www.wireshark.org for more information.

Usage: mergecap [options] -w <outfile>|- <infile> [<infile> ...]

  -a                concatenate rather than merge files.
                    default is to merge based on frame timestamps.
  -s <snaplen>      truncate packets to <snaplen> bytes of data.
  -w <outfile>|-    set the output filename to <outfile> or '-' for stdout.
  -F <capture type> set the output file type; default is pcapng.
                    an empty "-F" option will list the file types.
  -I <IDB merge mode> set the merge mode for Interface Description Blocks; default is 'all'.
                    an empty "-I" option will list the merge modes.

  -h                display this help and exit.
  -v                verbose output.
$ mergecap -w outfile.pcapng dhcp-capture.pcapng imap-1.pcapng