STM8L15x Standard Peripherals Drivers: Exported_types

STM8L15x/16x Standard Peripherals Drivers

STM8L15x Standard Peripherals Drivers


#define __I   volatile const
 IO definitions.
#define __IO   volatile
#define __O   volatile
#define S16_MAX   (32767)
#define S16_MIN   (-32768)
#define S32_MAX   (2147483647)
#define S32_MIN   (-2147483648uL)
#define S8_MAX   (127)
#define S8_MIN   (-128)
#define U16_MAX   (65535u)
#define U32_MAX   (4294967295uL)
#define U8_MAX   (255)


typedef enum FlagStatus BitAction
typedef enum FlagStatus BitStatus
typedef signed short int16_t
typedef signed long int32_t
typedef signed char int8_t
typedef enum FlagStatus ITStatus
typedef int16_t s16
typedef int32_t s32
typedef int8_t s8
typedef uint16_t u16
typedef uint32_t u32
typedef uint8_t u8
typedef unsigned short uint16_t
typedef unsigned long uint32_t
typedef unsigned char uint8_t


enum  bool { FALSE = 0, TRUE = !FALSE }
enum  ErrorStatus { ERROR = 0, SUCCESS = !ERROR }
enum  FlagStatus { RESET = 0, SET = !RESET }
enum  FunctionalState { DISABLE = 0, ENABLE = !DISABLE }

Define Documentation

#define __I   volatile const

IO definitions.

define access restrictions to peripheral registers defines 'read only' permissions

Definition at line 186 of file stm8l15x.h.

#define __IO   volatile

defines 'read / write' permissions Signed integer types

Definition at line 188 of file stm8l15x.h.

Referenced by I2C_CheckEvent(), I2C_GetITStatus(), I2C_GetLastEvent(), I2C_ReadRegister(), RTC_AlarmCmd(), SPI_GetITStatus(), and WWDG_SetWindowValue().

#define __O   volatile

defines 'write only' permissions

Definition at line 187 of file stm8l15x.h.


Definition at line 216 of file stm8l15x.h.

Referenced by ADC_ChannelCmd(), ADC_Cmd(), ADC_DMACmd(), ADC_ITConfig(), ADC_SchmittTriggerConfig(), ADC_TempSensorCmd(), ADC_VrefintCmd(), AES_Cmd(), AES_ITConfig(), BEEP_Cmd(), BEEP_LSClockToTIMConnectCmd(), CLK_ClockSecuritySytemDeglitchCmd(), CLK_HaltConfig(), CLK_HSICmd(), CLK_ITConfig(), CLK_LSICmd(), CLK_MainRegulatorCmd(), CLK_PeripheralClockConfig(), CLK_SYSCLKSourceSwitchCmd(), COMP_ITConfig(), COMP_SchmittTriggerCmd(), COMP_VrefintOutputCmd(), COMP_VrefintToCOMP1Connect(), COMP_WindowCmd(), DAC_Cmd(), DAC_DMACmd(), DAC_DualSoftwareTriggerCmd(), DAC_ITConfig(), DAC_SoftwareTriggerCmd(), DAC_WaveGenerationCmd(), DMA_Cmd(), DMA_GlobalCmd(), DMA_ITConfig(), EXTI_SetHalfPortSelection(), FLASH_ITConfig(), GPIO_ExternalPullUpConfig(), I2C_AcknowledgeConfig(), I2C_ARPCmd(), I2C_CalculatePEC(), I2C_Cmd(), I2C_DMACmd(), I2C_DMALastTransferCmd(), I2C_DualAddressCmd(), I2C_GeneralCallCmd(), I2C_GenerateSTART(), I2C_GenerateSTOP(), I2C_ITConfig(), I2C_SoftwareResetCmd(), I2C_StretchClockCmd(), I2C_TransmitPEC(), IRTIM_Cmd(), IRTIM_HighSinkODCmd(), LCD_Cmd(), LCD_HighDriveCmd(), LCD_ITConfig(), PWR_FastWakeUpCmd(), PWR_PVDCmd(), PWR_PVDITConfig(), PWR_UltraLowPowerCmd(), RTC_AlarmCmd(), RTC_BypassShadowCmd(), RTC_CalibOutputCmd(), RTC_ITConfig(), RTC_RatioCmd(), RTC_TamperCmd(), RTC_WakeUpCmd(), RTC_WriteProtectionCmd(), SPI_CalculateCRCCmd(), SPI_Cmd(), SPI_DMACmd(), SPI_ITConfig(), SPI_NSSInternalSoftwareCmd(), SYSCFG_REMAPPinConfig(), SYSCFG_RIAnalogSwitchConfig(), SYSCFG_RIIOSwitchConfig(), SYSCFG_RIResistorConfig(), TIM1_ARRPreloadConfig(), TIM1_CCPreloadControl(), TIM1_CCxCmd(), TIM1_CCxNCmd(), TIM1_ClearOC1Ref(), TIM1_ClearOC2Ref(), TIM1_ClearOC3Ref(), TIM1_ClearOC4Ref(), TIM1_Cmd(), TIM1_CtrlPWMOutputs(), TIM1_DMACmd(), TIM1_ITConfig(), TIM1_OC1FastConfig(), TIM1_OC1PreloadConfig(), TIM1_OC2FastConfig(), TIM1_OC2PreloadConfig(), TIM1_OC3FastConfig(), TIM1_OC3PreloadConfig(), TIM1_OC4PreloadConfig(), TIM1_SelectCCDMA(), TIM1_SelectCOM(), TIM1_SelectHallSensor(), TIM1_SelectMasterSlaveMode(), TIM1_UpdateDisableConfig(), TIM2_ARRPreloadConfig(), TIM2_CCxCmd(), TIM2_Cmd(), TIM2_CtrlPWMOutputs(), TIM2_DMACmd(), TIM2_ITConfig(), TIM2_OC1FastConfig(), TIM2_OC1PreloadConfig(), TIM2_OC2FastConfig(), TIM2_OC2PreloadConfig(), TIM2_SelectCCDMA(), TIM2_SelectHallSensor(), TIM2_SelectMasterSlaveMode(), TIM2_UpdateDisableConfig(), TIM3_ARRPreloadConfig(), TIM3_CCxCmd(), TIM3_Cmd(), TIM3_CtrlPWMOutputs(), TIM3_DMACmd(), TIM3_ITConfig(), TIM3_OC1FastConfig(), TIM3_OC1PreloadConfig(), TIM3_OC2FastConfig(), TIM3_OC2PreloadConfig(), TIM3_SelectCCDMA(), TIM3_SelectHallSensor(), TIM3_SelectMasterSlaveMode(), TIM3_UpdateDisableConfig(), TIM4_ARRPreloadConfig(), TIM4_Cmd(), TIM4_DMACmd(), TIM4_ITConfig(), TIM4_SelectMasterSlaveMode(), TIM4_UpdateDisableConfig(), TIM5_ARRPreloadConfig(), TIM5_CCxCmd(), TIM5_Cmd(), TIM5_CtrlPWMOutputs(), TIM5_DMACmd(), TIM5_ITConfig(), TIM5_OC1FastConfig(), TIM5_OC1PreloadConfig(), TIM5_OC2FastConfig(), TIM5_OC2PreloadConfig(), TIM5_SelectCCDMA(), TIM5_SelectHallSensor(), TIM5_SelectMasterSlaveMode(), TIM5_UpdateDisableConfig(), USART_DMACmd(), USART_HalfDuplexCmd(), USART_IrDACmd(), USART_ITConfig(), USART_ReceiverWakeUpCmd(), USART_SmartCardCmd(), USART_SmartCardNACKCmd(), and WFE_WakeUpSourceEventCmd().

#define S16_MAX   (32767)

Definition at line 224 of file stm8l15x.h.

#define S16_MIN   (-32768)

Definition at line 225 of file stm8l15x.h.

#define S32_MAX   (2147483647)

Definition at line 227 of file stm8l15x.h.

#define S32_MIN   (-2147483648uL)

Definition at line 228 of file stm8l15x.h.

#define S8_MAX   (127)

Definition at line 221 of file stm8l15x.h.

#define S8_MIN   (-128)

Definition at line 222 of file stm8l15x.h.

#define U16_MAX   (65535u)

Definition at line 223 of file stm8l15x.h.

#define U32_MAX   (4294967295uL)

Definition at line 226 of file stm8l15x.h.

#define U8_MAX   (255)

Definition at line 220 of file stm8l15x.h.

Typedef Documentation

typedef enum FlagStatus BitAction
typedef enum FlagStatus BitStatus
typedef signed short int16_t

Definition at line 192 of file stm8l15x.h.

typedef signed long int32_t

Unsigned integer types

Definition at line 195 of file stm8l15x.h.

typedef signed char int8_t

Definition at line 191 of file stm8l15x.h.

typedef enum FlagStatus ITStatus
typedef int16_t s16

Definition at line 203 of file stm8l15x.h.

typedef int32_t s32

Definition at line 202 of file stm8l15x.h.

typedef int8_t s8

Definition at line 204 of file stm8l15x.h.

typedef uint16_t u16

Definition at line 207 of file stm8l15x.h.

typedef uint32_t u32

Definition at line 206 of file stm8l15x.h.

typedef uint8_t u8

Definition at line 208 of file stm8l15x.h.

typedef unsigned short uint16_t

Definition at line 197 of file stm8l15x.h.

typedef unsigned long uint32_t

STM8Lx Standard Peripheral Library old types (maintained for legacy purpose)

Definition at line 200 of file stm8l15x.h.

typedef unsigned char uint8_t

Definition at line 196 of file stm8l15x.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

enum bool

Definition at line 211 of file stm8l15x.h.


Definition at line 218 of file stm8l15x.h.

enum FlagStatus

Definition at line 213 of file stm8l15x.h.


Definition at line 215 of file stm8l15x.h.

STM8S Firmware Library: Overview




For complete documentation on STM8L15x 8-bit microcontrollers platform visit