StorageCredentialsAccountAndKey Properties

Storage Client Library NET API

[This topic is part of the Microsoft Azure Storage Client Library 1.7, which has been deprecated. See Storage Client Library for the latest version.]

Public Properties (see also Protected Properties)

public propertyAccountNameOverridden. Gets the name of the storage account associated with the specified credentials.
public propertyCanComputeHmacOverridden. Gets a value indicating whether the ComputeHmac method will return a valid HMAC-encoded signature string when called using the specified credentials.
public propertyCanSignRequestOverridden. Gets a value indicating whether a request can be signed under the Shared Key authentication scheme using the specified credentials.
public propertyCanSignRequestLiteOverridden. Gets a value indicating whether a request against the Table service can be signed under the Shared Key Lite authentication scheme using the specified credentials.
public propertyCredentialsGets a Credentials object that references the storage account name and access key.
public propertyNeedsTransformUriOverridden. Gets a value indicating whether the TransformUri method should be called to transform a resource URI to a URI that includes a token for a shared access signature.

Protected Properties

protected propertySigningAccountName 

See Also