CloudBlobContainer.BeginListBlobsSegmented Method (Int32, ResultContinuation, BlobRequestOptions, AsyncCallback, Object)

Storage Client Library NET API

[This topic is part of the Microsoft Azure Storage Client Library 1.7, which has been deprecated. See Storage Client Library for the latest version.]

Begins an asynchronous operation to return a result segment containing a collection of blob items in the container, using a conditional request based on the BlobRequestOptions that you specify. Use this overload when you want to control the maximum number of results returned at a time, and when you want to use a continuation token to determine whether there are more results to return from the service after the current page completes.

Namespace: Microsoft.WindowsAzure.StorageClient
Assembly: Microsoft.WindowsAzure.StorageClient (in Microsoft.WindowsAzure.StorageClient.dll)


Visual Basic
Dim instance As CloudBlobContainer
Dim maxResults As Integer
Dim continuationToken As ResultContinuation
Dim options As BlobRequestOptions
Dim callback As AsyncCallback
Dim state As Object
Dim returnValue As IAsyncResult

returnValue = instance.BeginListBlobsSegmented(maxResults, continuationToken, options, callback, state)


Visual Basic
Public Function BeginListBlobsSegmented ( _
	maxResults As Integer, _
	continuationToken As ResultContinuation, _
	options As BlobRequestOptions, _
	callback As AsyncCallback, _
	state As Object _
) As IAsyncResult
public IAsyncResult BeginListBlobsSegmented (
	int maxResults,
	ResultContinuation continuationToken,
	BlobRequestOptions options,
	AsyncCallback callback,
	Object state
IAsyncResult^ BeginListBlobsSegmented (
	int maxResults, 
	ResultContinuation^ continuationToken, 
	BlobRequestOptions^ options, 
	AsyncCallback^ callback, 
	Object^ state



Type: System.Int32

A non-negative integer value that indicates the maximum number of results to be returned at a time, up to the per-operation limit of 5000. If this value is zero, the maximum possible number of results will be returned, up to 5000.


Type: Microsoft.WindowsAzure.StorageClient.ResultContinuation

A continuation token returned by a previous listing operation.


Type: Microsoft.WindowsAzure.StorageClient.BlobRequestOptions

An object that specifies any additional options for the request.


Type: System.AsyncCallback

The callback delegate that will receive notification when the asynchronous operation completes.


Type: System.Object

A user-defined object that will be passed to the callback delegate.

Return Value

Type: System.IAsyncResult

An IAsyncResult that references the asynchronous operation.


The BeginListBlobsSegmented method begins an operation to list blobs in pages. To specify the page size to return, pass in a non-zero value for the maxResults parameter. Passing in zero for the maxResults parameter returns either the maximum number of results available, or the per-operation limit of 5000 results.

If you have specified a page size, you can check the HasMoreResults property to check whether the page is complete. For example, if you have specified a page size of 10,000, a value which exceeds the per-operation limit, HasMoreResults will return true, indicating that the page is not complete. Note that if you have not specified a page size, HasMoreResults will always be false.

If you have not specified a page size, or the value of maxResults is zero, then check the value of the ContinuationToken property to determine whether there are more results to return. The continuation token is non-null as long as there are more results to return from the service.

Call the GetNext method to return the next segment of results from the service.

The objects returned by the listing depend on the type of listing that is being performed. If the UseFlatBlobListing property is set to true, the listing will return an enumerable collection of CloudBlob objects. If UseFlatBlobListing is set to false (the default value), the listing may return a collection containing CloudBlob objects and CloudBlobDirectory objects. The latter case provides a convenience for subsequent enumerations over a virtual blob hierarchy.

Thread Safety

Any public static (Shared in Visual Basic) members of this type are thread safe. Any instance members are not guaranteed to be thread safe.


Development Platforms

Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows Server 2008, Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012

See Also