StorageCredentials Methods

Storage Client Library NET API

[This topic is part of the Microsoft Azure Storage Client Library 1.7, which has been deprecated. See Storage Client Library for the latest version.]

Public Methods (see also Protected Methods)

public methodComputeHmacEncodes a Shared Key or Shared Key Lite signature string by using the HMAC-SHA256 algorithm over a canonicalized string-to-sign.
public methodEquals  (Inherited from Object)
public methodGetHashCode  (Inherited from Object)
public methodGetType  (Inherited from Object)
public methodSignRequestSigns a request using the specified credentials under the Shared Key authentication scheme.
public methodSignRequestLiteSigns a request against the Table service using the specified credentials under the Shared Key Lite authentication scheme.
public methodToString  (Inherited from Object)
public methodTransformUriTransforms a resource URI into the required format. For a shared access signature, TransformUri transforms a resource URI by appending a shared access token.

Protected Methods

protected methodFinalize  (Inherited from Object)
protected methodMemberwiseClone  (Inherited from Object)

See Also