CloudBlockBlob.DownloadBlockList Method

Storage Client Library NET API

[This topic is part of the Microsoft Azure Storage Client Library 1.7, which has been deprecated. See Storage Client Library for the latest version.]

Overload List

CloudBlockBlob.DownloadBlockList ()Returns an enumerable collection of the committed blocks comprising the blob.
CloudBlockBlob.DownloadBlockList (BlobRequestOptions)Returns an enumerable collection of the committed blocks comprising the blob, using a conditional request based on the BlobRequestOptions specified.
CloudBlockBlob.DownloadBlockList (BlockListingFilter)Returns an enumerable collection of the blob's blocks, using the specified block list filter.
CloudBlockBlob.DownloadBlockList (BlockListingFilter, BlobRequestOptions)Returns an enumerable collection of the blob's blocks, using the specified block list filter.

See Also