TableErrorCodeStrings Members

Storage Client Library NET API

[This topic is part of the Microsoft Azure Storage Client Library 1.7, which has been deprecated. See Storage Client Library for the latest version.]

Provides error code strings that are specific to the Azure Table service.

The following tables list the members exposed by the TableErrorCodeStrings type.

Public Fields

public fieldstaticBatchOperationNotSupportedBatch operations are not supported for this operation type.
public fieldstaticDuplicateKeyPropertySpecifiedA duplicate key property was specified.
public fieldstaticDuplicatePropertiesSpecifiedA property is specified more than once.
public fieldstaticEntityAlreadyExistsThe specified entity already exists.
public fieldstaticEntityNotFoundThe specified entity was not found.
public fieldstaticEntityTooLargeThe entity is larger than the maximum size permitted.
public fieldstaticInvalidValueTypeOne or more value types are invalid.
public fieldstaticJsonFormatNotSupportedJSON format is not supported.
public fieldstaticMethodNotAllowedThe specified method is not allowed.
public fieldstaticNotImplementedThe specified operation is not yet implemented.
public fieldstaticOperatorInvalidOne or more specified operators are invalid.
public fieldstaticPartitionKeyNotSpecifiedThe partition key was not specified.
public fieldstaticPartitionKeyPropertyCannotBeUpdatedThe partition key property cannot be updated.
public fieldstaticPrimaryKeyPropertyIsInvalidTypeThe type of the primary key property is invalid.
public fieldstaticPropertiesNeedValueAll properties must have values.
public fieldstaticPropertyNameInvalidThe property name is invalid.
public fieldstaticPropertyNameTooLongThe property name exceeds the maximum allowed length.
public fieldstaticPropertyValueTooLargeThe property value is larger than the maximum size permitted.
public fieldstaticTableAlreadyExistsThe specified table already exists.
public fieldstaticTableBeingDeletedThe specified table is being deleted.
public fieldstaticTableHasNoPropertiesThe specified table has no properties.
public fieldstaticTableHasNoSuchPropertyThe specified table has no such property.
public fieldstaticTableNotFoundThe specified table was not found.
public fieldstaticTableServerOutOfMemoryThe Table service server is out of memory.
public fieldstaticTooManyPropertiesThe entity contains more properties than allowed.
public fieldstaticUpdateConditionNotSatisfiedThe specified update condition was not satsified.
public fieldstaticXMethodIncorrectCountMore than one X-HTTP-Method is specified.
public fieldstaticXMethodIncorrectValueThe specified X-HTTP-Method is invalid.
public fieldstaticXMethodNotUsingPostThe request uses X-HTTP-Method with an HTTP verb other than POST.

See Also