Microsoft.WindowsAzure.StorageClient.Protocol Namespace |
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[This topic is part of the Microsoft Azure Storage Client Library 1.7, which has been deprecated. See Storage Client Library for the latest version.]
The Microsoft.WindowsAzure.StorageClient.Protocol namespace contains helper classes that provide access to lowlevel functionality exposed by the Blob Service REST API, the Queue Service REST API, and the Table Service REST API.
The Microsoft.WindowsAzure.StorageClient.Protocol namespace contains helper classes that provide access to lowlevel functionality exposed by the Blob Service REST API, the Queue Service REST API, and the Table Service REST API.
Class | Description |
AccessPolicyResponse | Parses the response XML from an operation to set the access policy for a container. |
BlobContainerEntry | Represents a container item returned in the XML response for a container listing operation. |
BlobEntry | Represents a blob item returned in the XML response for a blob listing operation. |
BlobListingContext | Provides a set of parameters for a blob listing operation. |
BlobPrefixEntry | Represents the blob name prefix that is returned in the XML response for a blob listing operation. |
BlobRequest | Provides a set of methods for constructing requests for blob operations. |
BlobResponse | Provides a set of methods for parsing responses from blob operations. |
CanonicalizationStrategy | Represents the base canonicalization strategy used to authenticate a request against the storage services. |
ContainerRequest | Provides a set of methods for constructing requests for container operations. |
ContainerResponse | Provides a set of methods for parsing responses from container operations. |
Credentials | Represents the credentials used to sign a request against the storage services. |
GetBlockListResponse | Provides methods for parsing the response from an operation to return a block list. |
GetMessagesResponse | Provides methods for parsing the response from an operation to get messages from a queue. |
GetPageRangesResponse | Provides methods for parsing the response from an operation to get a range of pages for a page blob. |
ListBlobsResponse | Provides methods for parsing the response from a blob listing operation. |
ListContainersResponse | Provides methods for parsing the response from a container listing operation. |
ListingContext | Represents the listing context for enumeration operations. |
ListQueuesResponse | Provides methods for parsing the response from a queue listing operation. |
LoggingProperties | The logging properties for Windows Azure Storage Analytics. |
MetricsProperties | Indicates the metrics properties for Windows Azure Storage Analytics. |
PeekMessagesResponse | Provides methods for parsing the response from an operation to peek messages from a queue. |
PutBlockListItem | Represents a block in a block list. |
PutPageProperties | Represents properties for writing to a page blob. |
QueueEntry | Represents a queue item returned in the XML response for a queue listing operation. |
QueueMessage | Represents a message retrieved from a queue. |
QueueRequest | Provides a set of methods for constructing requests for queue operations. |
QueueResponse | Provides a set of methods for parsing responses from queue operations. |
ResourceConsumedException | The exception that is thrown if the client attempts to parse the response a second time. |
ResponseParsingBase | Provides a base class that is used internally to parse XML streams from storage service operations. |
ServiceProperties | Specifies the logging, metrics, and default service version for a storage service. |
SharedKeyCanonicalizer | Provides an implementation of the CanonicalizationStrategy class for requests against the Blob or Queue services under the Shared Key authentication scheme. |
SharedKeyLiteCanonicalizer | Provides an implementation of the CanonicalizationStrategy class for the Blob and Queue services for use with the Shared Key Lite authentication scheme. |
SharedKeyLiteTableCanonicalizer | Provides an implementation of the CanonicalizationStrategy class for the Table service for use with the Shared Key Lite authentication scheme. |
SharedKeyTableCanonicalizer | Provides an implementation of the CanonicalizationStrategy class for the Table service for use with the Shared Key authentication scheme. |
TableRequest | Provides a set of methods for constructing requests for table operations. |
TableResponse | Provides a set of methods for parsing responses from Table operations. |
Interface | Description |
IListBlobEntry | Defines an interface for blob items that are returned in the XML response for a blob listing operation. |
Enumeration | Description |
BlockSearchMode | Indicates which block lists should be searched to find a specified block. |
ConditionHeaderKind | Specifies the kinds of conditional headers that may be set for a request. |
LeaseAction | Describes actions that can be performed on a lease. |
LoggingOperations | Indicates the types of operations to log. |
MetricsLevel | Indicates the type of metrics to generate. |
PageWrite | Describes actions that may be used for writing to a page blob or clearing a set of pages. |