CloudBlobClient.BeginListContainersSegmented Method

Storage Client Library NET API

[This topic is part of the Microsoft Azure Storage Client Library 1.7, which has been deprecated. See Storage Client Library for the latest version.]

Begins an asynchronous request to return a result segment containing a collection of containers.

Overload List

CloudBlobClient.BeginListContainersSegmented (AsyncCallback, Object)Begins an asynchronous request to return a result segment containing a collection of containers.
CloudBlobClient.BeginListContainersSegmented (String, ContainerListingDetails, AsyncCallback, Object)Begins an asynchronous request to return a result segment containing a collection of containers with names that begin with the specified prefix, and with the specified set of details to include when listing the containers in this storage account.
CloudBlobClient.BeginListContainersSegmented (String, ContainerListingDetails, Int32, ResultContinuation, AsyncCallback, Object)Begins an asynchronous request to return a result segment containing a collection of containers with names that begin with the specified prefix, and with the specified set of details to include when listing the containers in this storage account. Use this overload when you want to control the maximum number of results returned at a time, and when you want to use a continuation token to determine whether there are more results to return from the service after the current page completes.
CloudBlobClient.BeginListContainersSegmented (String, AsyncCallback, Object)Begins an asynchronous request to return a result segment containing a collection of containers whose names begin with the specified prefix.

See Also